~Chapter 3~

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        "Do you feel that?”  Caroline asked.      Loud blows of air from Stranger's       nose, was a noise heard ever so                vividly, but there was nothing in view    but black.                                                                                                                                                                                                  
      A twelve-year-old girl named Addy,   was about to get a riding lesson from      Caroline. “You feel that on your palms?” Caroline asked Addy, still in the                 blackness.                                                     
     Addy replied, “yeah, it’s warm.”          
      The loud blows of air were heard       again.                                                                                                                                   
      “That’s good,” Caroline said.               
      “That’s Stranger's way of saying he    wants to be friends with you… Are you   ready to ride today?”                                 
       “I don’t think so.” Addy clearly         sounded fearful.                                         
       “You have to sometime. Just hold on to the reigns... Got em?”                            
       Addy stood on a large rock and          clenched the reigns that rested                on strangers back as if she was                clenching on to life itself.                          
       Caroline said, “just don’t let go of     the reigns. Now the thing about horses is, they have very acute senses. You are their mirror.”                                             
       “What do you mean?” Addy asked,   still with hesitancy.                                   
       “Well, if you’re in a good mood, so    will you're horse, if you're in a bad          mood, bad horse, if you're in a nervous mood, nervous horse, and nervous          horse means...”                                            
       “... He’ll buck me off? Okay I can’t     do this, I can’t get on,” Addy explained    anxiously.                                                     
       “Okay Addy, I’m not trying to sound like a know it all, but I’m about to say     something really important.”                  
        “You better listen up,” Melody           chimed in.                                                   
       Caroline then demanded, “and also  open your eyes Addy. Melody may not   have vision, but you definitely do.”         

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