Chapter Five

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The students walked through many twist and turns in the hallways. Unlike Hogwarts, they thought they might never remeber where any of their classrooms were located, because unlike theirs school, everything looked the same! Everything seemed hard to distinguish, from classroom doors, to the weird thing called lockers.

Harry knew what they where, however, he had never used one before. He had left muggle school before any of them had lockers, and never got around to learning how to unlock one.
This proved to be a difficult task for all Hogwarts students.

Right , left, right. no click.

Right, left, right...still no click.

Harry began to get frustrated, and just started pulling the lock by force.

Emily and Andrew exchanged some dumbfounded glances as to why no one could open a simple locker.

"Hurry up will you guys, even we'll be late for class" Andrew huffed

He received a 'accidental' stomp on the foot from Emily.

"It's okay" she glared at Andrew. "here, we'll help you guys"

She first went over to Neville, who seemed to be one of the students having the most trouble with their locks. Neville blushed as Emily leaned closer to him and calmly demonstrated how to unlock it.

"See, it wasn't that hard was it?" she smiled.

Neville looked like he wanted to thank her, but couldn't speak. she laughed and moved on to the next student. The only one who seemed to need no help opening it was Hermione, even tho shew never got around to using lockers herself.

Soon Hermione was helping Emily and Andrew with the Hogwarts' students.

It all seemed to be going well, until Andrew approached Malfoy to offer some help.

"Here man, whats your combination?" Andrew reached to retrieve the lock.

"Don't touch me, I don't need help from a filthy muggle!" Malfoy spat.

Andrew, shocked by his reaction and confused by his comment, only walked away.

All of Hogwarts turned to glare at Malfoy, along with a couple of Slytherins.

"Do you want to expose us or what Einstein?" a slytherin girl hissed at him.

Malfoy only glared back and continued to fumble with his lock.

Once Everyone had gotten their books and other stuff in their locker, they headed off to class. They where already about five minutes late, which Andrew was complaining to Emily about.

"Maybe thing where different at their school" Emily tried to calm him down, unaware to most of the student trying to listen to what was being said about them.

"Yeah, but what the hell is a muggle?" Andrew said, raising an eyebrow. "What do they think they're better than us or something?"

Emily didn't respond since she got the same type of treatment when trying to help Crabbe and Goyle. Pansy had gone up to her and told her to back off.

She looked hurt, but left them be, and had moved on to help another slytherin, who hadn't pushed her away, but had eyed her strangely. Not in a rude manner, but more of a curious one, as if she where from a different planet. She must have taken it as a rude gesture from the way her eyes didn't meet his when she handed the lock back.

"Well..not all of them." said Emily. "That girl was nice to help us out with the other students"

Hermione beamed when she heard that, but quickly acted as if she hadn't been listening along with rest when Emily and Andrew turned around after stopping infront of an ordinary looking door.

"Well here you are guys, your first class" Andrew said, with fake enthusiasm.

"Have fun" Emily said, and opened the door for them. She waved goodbye to Hermione as she entered, aswell as Neville who blushed a crimson red.

Harry entered the room, wondering what the teachers and classmates would be like.
As his eyes adjusted to the room, he could make out sets of computers everywhere. It was an enormous room filled with a lot of equipment. THey also had shelves fille with what looked like recent projects of model robots , remote-controlled cars, and other complicated looking devices. Harry hoped they wouldn't have to build any of that, they looked far to advanced from his knowledge of technology, let alone the wizard's since birth.
He looked around and saw that there where about 20 students in the classroom, each seated at a computer table eyeing them with interest.

Most had a polite and welcoming face except for a couple different groups. The one Harry had recognized as cheerleaders were pointing and giggling at their clothing. Harry of course guessed this might be an issue since wizards didn't fully understand muggle fashion. A tall black-haired cheerleader near the front of the class rolled her eyes when seeing Harry's clothing. Dudley's hand-me-downs weren't exactly fashionable.

A long grey haired woman looked up from her board. It didn't seem to be a ordianry board. it seemed alot like a television or computer screen. She seemed to have written on it with a pen that contained do inc. It was almost as if the simple touch of the pen activated a tool on the computer-like device. The top of the board had sign that read 'Active Board'.

The woman eyed the students and smiled. she seemed to be in her late twenties. the grey color in her hair looked more like dye. She dressed in businesslike clothing with a bright neon tie.

"Oh hello there!" she greeted. "you all seem to be a bit late" she laughed.
She didn't seem like the strict type by the way she took their tardiness so lightly to harry's relief.

"Class" she said "these are the exchange students us teachers have talked so much about. you are to treat them kindly and not draw on their faces if they happen to fall asleep in my class" she instructed.
Most students laughed. They all guessed it must be some type of inside joke.

"Don't worry, I've already been informed that you guys havent worked much with computers, and any questions you have I'll answer" she smiled.

The same black-haired cheerleader cackled. "What are they cavemen?" some students laughed, some glared at her , but most kept quiet.

The teacher shot a warning look at the girl. "Amber, we wouldn't want detention today now would we?"

Amber rolled her eyes, but said no more.

"Now how about you all introduce yourselves?" The teacher said "Ill call a name out from my new list and you can tell me some random fact about you. or if you like, just you, or just step forward and sit on any computer table."

She began calling the list out in alphabetical order. No one said anything, they just sat down.
when they got to Harry's name a couple Hogwarts' students where surprized to have no reaction from the crowd when 'The Boy Who Lived' stepped forward.
Harry sighed, he sort of liked the attention not being directed towards him.

Harry sat down in a table near the middle of the room. None of the kids at his table where from Hogwarts, but he didn't mind too much. Ron ended up sitting at the same table. Malfoy sat in the back, and as alway, Hermione in the front.

"Okay new students, this is where you will be sitting from now on." she said "My name is Ms. Ross. And lucky for you we wont be having computer lab today."
she laughed.

The wizards looked at each other in confusion and relief.

"You see" she continued "The school is hosting a pep rally in your honor!"

Pep rally..Harry had seen them on TV shows and movies of highschool. They looked like fun, but he wondered if they really where.

The entire class cheered, along with the wizards, which probably didn't know what a pep rally was. They looked as if they just didn't want to seem out-of-place.

"We still have about 15 minutes until the ceremony, but until then I'll leave you all to socialize and get to know each other." Ms. Ross finished, and laid back, listening to music. Some teacher Harry thought.

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