Chapter Twenty-six

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A/N: I'M SORRY IK ITS BEEN FOREVER. Please say you haven't forgotten about me?
My goal is to finish this fic before summer's end. There ( not counting this one) are 2 chapters left in this fic. I may or may not do an extra one to disclose all/some the information (in a small story chapter type way) about what happens to some of the characters after this adventure, but I probably wont.
Be warned: This is the hardest chapter I've ever written from this fic.
! PLEASE READ THE A/N at the bottom after finishing! (it contains some spoilers so I suggest only after finishing) for some explanation regarding choices made in this chapter.

My beta is nowhere to be found so I apologize if there are any typos in this chapter. I'll try to fix them to the best of my ability when the fic has concluded for future viewers.
Hope you enjoy!

Chapter 26

If screaming into your pillow counted as progress, Harry was making plenty.

"You had her, mate."

He screamed some more.

"You just had to say four words. Four words."

Darren was right. Harry didn't think 'wanna be my date?' would be the biggest tongue-twister in history.

Maybe if he walked out of the room everyone would just have forgotten what happened?
How long had it been? Maybe the coast was clear now.
I need to apologize to Amber.
Though, technically it had been an accident.

There was a knock at the door.

A small creaking sound let Harry know Darren was at least being cautious on who he was letting in their dorm.
I sacrifice myself to the witch hunters. Just take me already.
The door slammed open.
Harry heard an impatient sigh, and then his covers were roughly ripped away.

No. His prayer hadn't been answered.

"Oh for the love of—get up!"

"Boys dorm, Hermione!"

"School is in peril, Harry! There is no time for moping around. You have to train the D.A. Come on; we're all waiting for you."

Why did she have to be right all the time?
Even though she was, the thought of leaving his bed, using his cursed powers that got him in to more trouble than needed, and then arriving at detention with Cole again was too much.

Just when he thought more yelling was coming, a gentle hand was placed on his back. "You can fix things with Amber later, okay? But right now we need you."

Harry lifted his head and slowly stood.

The universe had never given him quite time. There was no reason to think it would start now.
Walking down the hallway to the D.A room, the thought struck him that—if he survived—they would all laugh at this morning one day. Wishful thinking at its best perhaps?
Yes, one day. Not today.

Some of the D.A members did laugh and whisper when they though Harry wasn't looking. It didn't really bother him—he expected this much—but all throughout the lesson the soda soaked, disgusted, and enraged face of Amber remained him in the back of his mind. The haunting grew with every ticking second.

Even when finishing the last of the fence with Cole, the numbness from the embarrassment took over. He didn't bother picking up the brush or opening the can of paint. Harry simply waved his wand over the wood, finishing the job.

Cole about fainted at first, thinking that Harry would turn the weapon on him. Realizing what happened he said, "You couldn't have done that yesterday?"

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