Chapter 1

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((Flashback 2012))

Nicki: Willie i am so sick of your ways. You cheat on me every chance you get. I'm tired of you having me look so stupid.

Willie: stop with the bullshit Nicki. What are you gonna do, leave me? You wouldn't. You need me. You love me way to much to leave.

Nicki: as so you think Willie . I have all my stuff packed gone. I only came back to say good bye.

Wille: You serious? Nicki you can't leave me. I need you. I promise i won't make you look stupid anymore.

Nicki: That's all good Willie but, i really need to go. Just remember that i love you and i always will. You were and always will be my first everything. But i need to go. I want to be happy. And me being happy is not being in this relationship. And i want you to be happy too. (HONK HONK) look, i have to go. If we are meant to be together, we will meet again.

With that, Nicki gave Fetty one last passionate kiss and left him.

((Flash forward. January 2015)

Hello. I'm Willie. Better known on the block as Fetty Wap. Every one calls me Fetty. I roll with my group Remy Boyz and it's been gucci. I am a rapper too. I rap trap music. I write my own rhymes, i do it all with a couple of my boys behind me.

I have just released my song Trap Queen and that song has really blown up. I am now known all over the counrty with people making videos of my song and everything. It's crazy.

I have even been doing concerts all around the country too. Because New Jersey is my home state, i wanted to save the best for last for my American tour.

So when i came to New Jersey the day of my show, (February 28) the boys and i decided to get something to eat. So we make our way to the cheesecake factory at Menlo Park in Edison, New Jersey, i look over and see this gorgeous dark skin woman with long curly black hair. I couldn't help but stare at her. She looked very familiar but i couldn't figure out from where.

That was until she and her friend walked up to the door of the Cheesecake Factory. It was her.


Life has been okay since i left Willie. I mean, i am still single but i have been on dates and i did get into a relationship last year, but it felt odd so I'm staying single for a while.

I work as a secretary for Mendez and Jones Law Firm. or should i say the law firm my father co-found. It is great working there. I get a good salary and i get along with everyone.

Today, me and my best friend/co-worker Lauren, decided to go to the Cheesecake Factory for lunch. I wanted to just simply go to Burger King but i love Cheesecake more. So i was down.

We decided that i would drive in my 2014 Impala. In the car ride, it was our usual. Talking, singing or should i say screaming along to the songs on the radio. Just havung funn. When we got there, i saw a whole group of guys walking toward the restaurant and thought nothing of it. However, one of them looked familiar but i couldn't put my finger on it umtil we were at the door together.

It was him. My first crush, my first boyfriend, my first time, my first love. Willie Maxwell. And might i say, he looks pretty damn good.

Willie: Nicki.

Nicki: Hi Willie.

Willie: so we meet again. Huh

Nicki: so we have.

Willie: would you mind if we talk for a few minutes?

Nicki: i don't really wanna leave my girl alone.

Willie: i don't really think she is.

I looked over and saw Lauren talkikg to one of Willie's boys. I told Willie that was fine. And we went to a table and began to talk.

Willie: So, you look even more beautiful than before.

Nicki: Thanks. Now, look Willie, i am starving. Can you get
to the point of what you wnat?

Willie: Look, i just want to know if you want to go out on a date with me tomorrow night? You know, to catch up on old times.

Nicki: I don't know about that Willie.

Willie: Oh, i see. You have a new man in your life huh?

Nicki: No No. I am still single. I just feel that i am not really into going on a date with you.

Willie: Why not? I really want to get to know what's up with you. Hell, i remember, two years ago, you said that if we meet again, then we are meant to be together.

Nicki: yes i remember. But you can't just come back and come at me like this. I need time. Look, I'm going to go back with my girl and get some food before my lunch break is over. Nice seeing you again Willie.

How could Willie just ask me out like this and expect me to say yes and be his already. I haven't seen, spoken nor heard of or from him in over two years. Shit doesn't work like this. I had to get away from him. I do have 45 more minutes of my break but, I'm not trying to spend that with him.

I ordered my usual lunch meal a bacon cheeseburger with no onions or tomato and fries with two slices of Oreo Cheesecake. Man am i a sucker for Oreo Cheesecake. I got my food and Lauren did too and we decided to eat at the offices lunch room.

When we had arrived, we had 35 minutes to eat and that was fine with me. As we ate she told me how Willie's a rapper and that the guys he was with a part of his entourage. She told me how his name is now Fetty and that he has been simgle for the past two years exept for a few girls here and there.

That shocked me. I expected Willie to have a bunch of girls and still be as he was when we were together. So i guess he has changed. Maybe me and him can be friends and that's it. I am not ready to be in a relationship or be in a relationship with him.


For Nicki to turn me down like that hurt. I still love this girl and i want to be with her again. I will do anything to have her back as mine. Matter of fact, that's what i will do. But first step, i want to find out her basics. I know she still lives here in New Jersey. But i need town, and where she works. I wonder if she still works at that barbershop in Perth Amboy with hef cousin Aaron. I have actually still been in contact with Aaron. Maybe he has her information. I will have my girl back. She will be my girlfriend, then my wife and the mother of my children if those are the last things i will ever do.

Tbc: i hope y'all enjoyed Chapter 1. Chapter two will be here soon.

Fetty Wap AgainWhere stories live. Discover now