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Surely everyone loves sugar.

Something sweet.

The good things. The perfection.

Those kind of sweetness.

Let's just say that it's probably because we're all stressed out by the bitterness of experience we all had. So tired of it that we crave for it so bad. The essence of sugar fuelled the hollow of glum we had during that day with exquisite feeling we could hope for.

Everybody quench for those ambrosial sensation sipping into our very soul, as if hoping that it would extracting all the frazzles in exchange of instant bliss.

We all desire for something that satisfy our crave and swaying our souls to an aesthetic dream.

But not everyone willing to shares them with others. Or even lead them to it.

"Hey!" A soft voice snapped me out of my deep thoughts. Goodness, how long have I been into such pit?

I simple reply him with small hum.

He sighs. "Daydreaming again?"

"Have I?"

He gave me a perplexed smile as I said so. "Oh god...luckily nothing happened to you." His limb went back to elegant composure. Then, his hands reached out to me to pull us close to the nearby shops. "Are you alright?" This time, his tone slightly hushed down, sounding concerns. "Never have I thought this thing happen again whenever we went out taking stroll, off to Melina's bakery, jogging our way to any park, or even...oh god, don't get me started. It even happen while we're crossing the road." His lips parted as he tries to inhale deep breathe. Eyes close while his forehead slightly furrows.

"I think we should seek help from the psychiatrist. No, I mean you. Alice, you need help."

Honestly, that is some brutal yet shocking suggestion coming out from her lips. "I'm not mad, Lucas." Taking me to such so called sanctuary would only drive me to abnormal state even more than I already am.

He nods knowingly, "Yeah, I do acknowledge that you are still sane. But what I mean is that your mind been off lately and it seems getting worse the minute I observe you and your new pattern of behaviour." This time, he crossed his arm while gazing at me with those stern, cold eyes, "I shouldn't have said this out loud but we'll need a tracker for this case."

I couldn't remember what my usual reaction would be whenever he throws out some random ideas.

It feels like...amnesia. Like, I didn't even know who I am anymore. I notice my heart still pounding as a proof that I am still alive and kicking. Technically, yes. But part of it seems to be lose touch somewhere. As if has long gone faded yet leave certain ghostly trace within me.

As for Lucas' silly answer, I might have smack him on the shoulder since he's taller than me or probably just ruin his shoes because he meticulously took care of his style way too much that to the point that no single stain shall be permitted to land on his precious sneakers.

However, I just don't feel like it anymore.

I only nod. My voice slowly cracked, "Thanks, Lucas..." was all I said to him.

He simply smiles weakly. I heard no further crazy responds from him regarding what just happened or upon my short answer. He's probably aware of it. Or maybe he don't because there might be chances that my acting skills these days are well developed (except for the unconscious 'daydreaming' part). Knowing Lucas, I don't supposed my current changes of well-being would slide off from his radar that easily. He's pretty observant, y'know? One might suggest that it's probably because we're childhood friend. To be frank, we're not. And I'm actually met him like couple of semester years back. To which specific date I have no longer restore those in my memory. But I do remember meeting him at the nearby Starbucks in New York. Grab my usual Strawberry Frappuccino Latte while doing my homework at the usual spot which was near the window. It was raining and I could see few people in front of me running around with umbrella, heading home or to wherever destination they need to be. The faint sound of rains added sense of tranquillity to the existing ambience.

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