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As time passed, Calli and Kiara went about their usual schedules, streaming on their own and as part of collaborations. They even got to collaborate with each other a few times, but of course, they had to keep their relationship a secret. It was harder than they had initially thought; especially for Kiara, but somehow, they managed. The first real test would come in the Discord server. They were in a call with their gen-mates one day, when Ina asked, "So, Calli, I heard you had a little dilemma a while back. Did you end up reaching a solution?"

Calli was caught completely off-guard by the question, and she nearly did a spit-take. "Ina, where did that come from?" she asked, clearing her throat.

"Gura told me," the eldritch priestess replied flatly.

"Ina, I specifically asked you not to tell her!" said shark chimed in.

"Sorry. I just had to... tako 'bout it."


Calli chuckled quietly, shaking her head. "To answer your question, yes. I did. It was quite obvious as well."


"Yeah." Before she could continue her thought, she received a message from Kiara. It read, simply, 'Don't. Please.' Clearing her throat, she backpedalled and said, "Never mind. I'll explain later." Again, she received a message. This time, it read, 'Thank you. Let's tell them together later.' Calli nodded to herself, making a note of that.

The five of them continued their conversation as if nothing had happened, until Kiara said something that caught the others by surprise. "Guys, I know this is an odd question, but... have any of you ever felt like... like the world might be..."

"Kiara, stop." Calli spoke firmly, narrowing her eyes in response to the phoenix's train of thought before softening her expression again. "I know what you're going to say, and..." Her voice broke, and she began to sob quietly. "And it scares me. So please, just... stop."

Kiara almost flinched at the tone of Calli's voice, but she caught herself  before sighing deeply. "I'm sorry. I don't mean to scare you. I just... you know."

That's exactly why it scares me. I do know, she thought. Sighing deeply in turn, Calli said, "It's alright. I'm here to help you conquer those thoughts."

"So are we," the other three added reassuringly.

"Thank you. That means a lot." However, a voice in the back of her mind was saying, But... I don't want to conquer them. If I do, I can't be with Calli forever.

After a while, Calli said, "I have to go. I've got some stuff to do before my next stream. I'll talk to you later." And she sent a message to Kiara, saying, 'I'm sorry if I startled you. I didn't mean to.'

'I know. I love you,' was the reply that came.

Smiling to herself, Calli replied, writing, 'I love you too.' After sending that message, she logged off to prepare for her stream.

Meanwhile, the others continued the conversation. "Kiara," Amelia said gently. "What was that back there? I never took you for the type to want to do that sort of thing. Are you okay?"



"It's complicated. I am okay,  but not completely. You know? Like, I'm not truly 'okay' unless I'm with her."

"I know the feeling," Gura butted in. "I'm in the same boat. Only... I haven't told her how I feel yet."

"Oh?" Amelia raised a brow. "Who's the lucky one you've got your eye on?"

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