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It had been a month since Wilbur had cut off the cord to George's phone. George was sat at his desk, booting up his computer. He decided to go onto Youtube and keep up to date with the videos. There was a new recommendation "Minecraft" He had heard that game before because of Wilbur's son, Tommy. He had also heard that game from his old roommate Alex before he moved out, he talked about this streamer called Philza and how he plays Minecraft.

George looked outside, it was gloomy and cloudy and looked like it was going to rain. It always had looked like that, ever since the town had gone under the control of Fundy, which was about 6 years ago. 

He scrolled along the category "Minecraft" and had found a song called "blue - derivakat" He hit play and listened.

"From the day when we first met
You followed in my every step
Now you got me on the mend
Tell everyone "hey look, I've named him Friend"

He really enjoyed the song so far and it made him forget about his worries that he couldn't stop thinking about

"Calm yourself and have some blue
Never one forever two
Love you for the rest of time
Don't forget to sub with Prime"

He looked at the playlist that had come with the song, and there were a bunch more songs, Aint no crying, Turn back time, 4AM, welcome home

"Friends together
Friends whenever
Friends remember
Friends forever"

He had listened to the whole song, but once he had finished the song, he didn't know what to do. He looked on his work to-do list, but it was empty. He had nothing to do, he would usually be on the phone to Dream, but that can't happen anymore. 

He looked around his room and then it hit him.

"THE FLOWERS!" He rushed downstairs to his backyard to check on the flowers. They were perfectly fine, they had sprouted a lot more, one was fully sprouted but the rest was still in their buds "I should water them" He said, grabbing the watering can from the floor and filling it up with water from the garden hose. 


George was sat in his living room, he had put his TV on and kept surfing the channels. He heard his phone buzzing. He peeped over and say Wilbur pop up. He was hesitating whether or not to answer it, but the noise kept bothering him. He answered it

"George! I'm so glad you answered I was getting worried you were avoiding me and you didn't want to talk to me, I mean you did ignore me for the past month and every time you saw me you walked in the other direction. I need to tell you how sorry I am, I am truly sorry, It was just my anger. I get it from my grandad to be honest and I need to sort it out, just please give me a second chance. I've also called you because it's Sally's 24th birthday tomorrow and we were wondering if you could accompany us! Sally really enjoyed the last time we met up, which was at the park of course, and she asked for her good friend George and she wasn't the only one who asked for you, Tommy wanted to show you his town he had built and I also thought about invited you as well" Wilbur said

"Uh, well, thanks for apologising but it's still a shock to me and I was scared of you then and I'm still scared," George said, his voice uneasy

"I get that, you don't have to come tomorrow, but consider it, come for Tommy and Sally, don't come for me"

"I'll consider it" George agreed

"Thank you," Wilbur said before hanging up "Goodbye, hopefully we will see you tomorrow"

George didn't know whether he wanted to go or not, he was still afraid of Wilbur but deep down he knew he was sorry and he wouldnt hurt a fly, but at the same time would he do this again? If he treated George like that and he hardly knows George, how does he treat Sally? or even worse, Tommy? He thought to himself quickly, he did say that this had never happened before and that was his first time doing it.

George thought to himself for a bit and finally came to a decision, he is going to put all the stuff that had happened behind him and not talk about what had happened and move on and start fresh. 

George walked up the stairs and went on his phone for a bit. He checked his emails just in case he had gotten any from his work giving him projects to do but it was empty. Until one email appeared, he tapped it as it was loading. 

Denton Academy

Dear George,

We have been in contact with your office that you have been working with Forxton Programing of Florida and they have been very proud of your work and so have we. We are offering you a place in Denton Academy as a Programming Teacher. This block is located on the second floor of the College building, you would be Vice Head of Programming for young adults. We have taken a survey of things that students of Denton would like to learn about and programming was one of the 52% of the students here at Denton are hoping to study programming and become a programmer. Opening time for new incoming teachers are November 1st 2020, we know it's a month early to ask but we have a lot of applicants who would love to be in the programming industry at Denton. We are not saying we are hiring you completely because we don't know yet if you would like to apply but if you put in an application you have a 50% more chance of becoming Vice Head than anyone else.

here is the form to apply:


Yours Sincerely,

Denton Academy

George's face lit up, he had always been wanting to be a teacher since he was a kid. He replied to them as soon as possible and filled in an application. 

His eyelids went over his eyes and as soon as possible he was asleep

flowers from 2020Where stories live. Discover now