August 2

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August 2

Winston taps me on my shoulder and tells me to get prepared to get off the flight. Finally I thought to myself we are getting off this trap. I say trap because we were on here so long I left like a mouse trapped in a case.We're laying in about 15 mins he says with a smile. My heart began to race fast thiking of all the new adventure I was going to have.

Even though my father asistanted on me having a body graud I told him no that Winston was the only body graud I needed. Techically he wasn't trained but he wouldn't let anything happen to me. Plus he has always been right by my side even before I was born. My mother told me the story about how winston physically delievery me in the backseat of the black and ash grey limo my father has had for many years.

Winston is truly devoted to my mother and father, he is like family. I never order him around or have had him open my doors but he continues to do his job. As i get off the plane I smell the air and wrap up tight in my coat. They air is very thick and opay. The temperture really didn't bother me much since I lived in Seattle Washington where it was a consist raining cloud almost everyday. We were lucky when the sun would come out there.

As I walk into the airport to gather my luggage Winston had already had them ready to go in the car. It was the most funniest looking car I had ever seen. Big black with silver door handles, the windows were tinted black of course so no could see on the inside. It look like a harsse for a funeral which I thought was cool. My grandfather didn't like people looking in on him has he rides through the town.

Winston open the door for me and then he quickly jumped in on the other side. I pull out my Ipod began to listen to river flows by Yuri a young asian compser who I thought was amazingly talaneted. I could hear Winston talking on his cell phone to my father letting him know we arrived safely and in about 30 mintues we be to Mr.Landcaster's place. Winston always stuck to schedule never was late about things he had to do invovling work.

So Ella are you exicited for this years term Winston asked with bright smile on his face. I took one of my ear plugs out and replied Yes Winston! I can't to crack open my first text bo... Uh I mean I can't wait til I make some new friends. Ella you've made straight A's ever since you were in pre-school so I know you'll do great this year. Just try to relax all little had have fun. College isn't going any where and trust me you are the most brightest young lady I know any university would be glad to have you attend there school. He leans over and puts his arm around my shoulder giving me a tight squeeze. Thanks Winston I said with a smile.

The car stop all of sudden .I rolled the window too see what was going on. There was a street signed that read 100 Kingmen Street. London was some how I pictured it. Thanks J.K Rowling for giving me Harry Potter Books and Movies which I enjoyed.


We make a left turn on to Kingsmen Street. Soon as we pull up to the gate of the mansion I noticed to swords making an x. On the gate there was a gold signed that said Landcaster's Kingmen. I brushed my hand arcoss the sign an also noticed it said "We Are Kingmen An It Is Are Duty To Protect Our Kingdom". Seconds later my grandfather came walking down the stairs that lead into the entry of the manison. How bout you come over here and give your old pop pop some love. He opened his hands wide and I ran straight into his arms. I felt his warm inbraces as he squeezed me tight. Winston has already order the maids to put your things in your room my grandafather stated.

Now come sit down in the dinning room and have a cup of tea with an old man. He's always referred his self to as an old man ever since my mother and uncle started having children. Glancing around the old mansion. I saw the spiral stairs that lead up to another part of the manison. Seems like there were more rooms then I could count. You'll have plentaly of time to explore the manison sweetheart my grandfather say's with a smirk upon his face.

Now how has my favorite grand daughter been he asked. Sitting down next to the fair place. I look at up at him and noticed that the same symbols that were outside on the gate were inbedded on the mantal piece of the fire place. I'm doing rather well pop pop I smiled a took a sip of my tea. Pop pop you can't say I'm your favorite grand daughter. You have two other's as well. I know I know but those are just spoiled rotten. Everything has to go there way. They don't know the meaning of hard work on like your self. You will do great things Ellador Taylor Landcaster as your great grand father, his father and his father's father. I cant speak highly on your cousin's he chuckled and sip some more of his tea.

I was beginning to get a bit sleepy. I'm sure my grandfather could tell. Well my dearest Ellador off to bed now. Pipe pipe! He directed me toward the stairs that spiraled around. Night Pop pop I said as I lead over to give him a kiss on his cheek. Ellador my grand father calls my name. I stop as I'm walking up toward the stairs. There is something.... he stop in the middle of his sentence. Yes Pop Pop! I answered him. Never mind... He turned away and started mummble to his self. Other family memebers say grandfather Landcaster was mad and by mad I meant crazy. I didn't so. I believe we all have a bit of maddness in us. Until we meet again diary.

Elladora T. Landcaster

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