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she nods her head lightly and pulls away completely "yeah shes home" she said looking into my eyes. "tomorrow..?" she slightly said with a disappointed look on her face. we only ever got a chance to do it once like months ago, it was the only day izzie's mom wasnt home. "you mom wont be home tomorrow?" i said still slightly breathing heavily with my grip on her waist still tight, i always wished we had more time alone. no one bothering us like elsa forcing us to keep the door open all the time, or sam suddenly appearing out of thin air into my room asking questions, or izzie's mom hating out relationships making it really difficult for us to go to izzies house.

i just want to live alone with izzie with no one around us, just us. "yeah i overheard her talking on the phone" she spoke and she ran her hands down from my neck to my chest "she said she is going out all night"

"ok since my exam is tomorrow, after school ill pick you up and we will spend the whole day together ok" i moved my hand from her waist and grab a hold of her hands, she smiled and nodded excitedly. she bit her lip, "maybeee..you can do that thing youve always wanted" she kinked her eyebrows up and smiled then got up from caseys lap, while pulling casey up with her.

"wait what?" i said, it took me a minute to realize what she was talking about till it hit me "oh! you mean that thing that i bought as a joke" i spoke trying to hold back my laugh, i can't believe she still remembers. i mean i bought as a joke at first, but it was quite intriguing. i kept on joking about it though out a couple of weeks. she nodded and started pulling me towards the cars "i mean you talk about it a lot so why not" she said letting go of my hand and walking towards her car.

"see you tomorrow" she said opening the car door, i just hand the urge to just go over to her place right now but to be honest her mom scares me a little. and i dont wanna make things worst with her mom. "can i at least get a kiss goodbye" i said walking behind her.

she turned around and gave me a small peck on the lips "night" she said after getting in the car and drove off leaving me hear alone wanting more. she literally drives me crazy.


i just finished my last exam and omg the feeling of relief is amazing, im finally done with school. well not really but at least now i have can get a break from everything and just relax. i walk over to my locker and start collecting all my belongings into my bag. "case, wanna go do don's with the team today?" sharice said walking up to my locker, i turn around and look at her "i cant today sorry, i promised izzie i would pick her up from school and just hang out all day"

"izzie has really been taking you away from me huh" i laughed while she crossed her arms around her chest. "cmon i see you every day in school" i collect the rest of my stuff and close my bag. "i promise we will hang out but just not today" she nods and grabs her phone "ill just tell the team to reschedule"

"yeah sounds great" i said she smiled and walk off, i threw my bag over one shoulder and walked all the way to my car. as i was about to unlock the door my phone buzzed.

i release my hand from the door handle and grab my phone from my back pocket. it was an email, i unlock my phone then soon to realize it was an email from UCLA. my heart dropped, it felt to soon to be hearing from them. is this the email thats going to fuck up my whole future, because its sure as shit seems like it. school just ended like 2 minutes ago and im already hearing from them.

i didnt even want to open the email, ill just wait i dont want ruin my summer from an email ill just enjoy it for a couple of days then ill think about opening it.

i looked at the time and realized im going to be late, izzie finishes school in about 20 minutes so i have to get there fast before i keep her waiting. i get in the car and start driving to clayton. i put on some music to calm me down, i dont want izzie getting worried because somehow she knows everything thats going on in my brain.

i pull up to clayton after about 25 minutes, im not that late so thats good. i see izzie standing there staring at her phone waiting, i drove up next to her. "hey beautiful, you need a ride" i said putting one hand out the window, she looked up at me and immediately smiled sending butterflies all over my body, her smile is so contagious. "no im actually waiting for my girlfriend" she said and i rolled my eyes.

she laughed and walked over to the car and got in. she leaned over to the passenger seat and kissed my cheeks "where are we going" she said sitting back in her seat and putting on her seatbelt.

"its a surprise" i smiled then looked back at the road and started driving again.


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