𝐏𝐚𝐫𝐭 02.

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Shouting could be heard from inside of the castles walls, on a higher floor as Jordic's mother comforted him, placing a hand in his hair as he wept into her gown. His parents were arguing about the events from earlier. Hours had passed, a couple of search parties had been sent out, and the guards had been multiplied all over the kingdom.

" Jordic, you shouldn't have been out there in the first place. You should have said something to someone!-" His father shouted, Royal robes draped over his shoulders as he paced impaintly around the room. They shouted as his mother chimmed in, their voices progressively gotten louder, more aggressive as Jordic curled up into a ball, his mother making small braids in his hair as he barriers his face into her lap.

"I know dad.. I'm sorry dad I- I just wanted to to go nd.. I wanted to be alone and.." He stuttered over his words, tears threatened to form in his eyes as he dared not face him.

"You're weak. I should have raised you far better than I have so far.. They must have sought you as weak my son.. I am the one who failed you. " He said in a hushed tone as a maid opened the door, the King raising a hand to call his wife.

Jordic's heart hurt at his fathers words as his mother gotten up, Jordic sobbing into his blouse as his mother slowly went towards the door, sorrow on her face. Looking a her son's sorrowful an confused face he heart shattered. "I know baby.. I love you.." She said in a broken tone as she pushed past her husband hardly, Cleary upset with him. His father took a glance at him, sadness in his eyes as he rushed after his queen.

Jordic's maids came into the room, closing the door carefully behind them a they dare not to speak to him, feeling quite sorry for their prince.

Jordic brought a hand up to his aching temple as he stumbled to the window, one of his maids beckoning him to be careful as he peered out of the windowsill, know in his attacker was out there. Watching him.


After getting dressed, Jordic smiled at the new pretty gown it was a lime color, spinning a few times before stopping in front of the mirror, pulling at his hair a bit. He'd lost the pin his mother had given him, now his hair was by his sides, reaching almost his pelvis as he pulled up his hair, letting it fall back down. He thought he was pretty. Pretty like a girl, which he didn't mind, but maybe that's the reason his father saw him as weak. Tears threatened to form again as he sighed, not wanting to let things get to him at the moment.

Laying down in his bed, the bearskin covers giving much needed warmth on this cold night. It was rather cold in his room. It was usually a bit cold anyways. Rolling around his bed, Jordic thought. Thought about today and about how he really shouldn't dwell on it. He grew tired, and sluggish until he thought of something, something that made him a bit hot.

It was about a boy that he knew, one who wasn't of royalty. He had a small crush on him. His face was sharp and he was always a bit dirty an desheviled. Mostly because he worked at his fathers farm. Jordic visited him a couple of times, to pick up fresh meat for his maids to show him how to cook his favorite meals. He'd asked them to show him how, so he'll be able to cook them when he gets older.

He always smiled with his sweet crooked teeth, and his nice brown skin. Rough callous hands and fingers brushing against his whenever he'd be handed a basket of fruit or vegetables.


A smile grew on his face as he pressed his fingertips at the hem of his gown, playing with the fabric before peeling it off of him, his skin was soft as he had just been bathed by his maids.

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