Ep 1: Self-Introduction (自己紹介)

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     The year is 198, the Solar Era in Tokyo, Japan. The lone tops of the tall buildings could be called 'calming' to the status of who would be fire soldiers. People who defended this place's will and lives with their very own, with the cases of Infernals and all of that sort. The sun setting on another day, reflecting off on all of the shimmering glass of the apartment in which Licht stayed. Birds went flying off into another part of nestling into, squirrels from the nearby park he looked down on went into the small holes in the big oaks which gave shade to the dating couples taking a sunset stroll on the town. Grass gently blowing in the wind, his own ears listening in to the slight calmness of it made him smile, even though it could come off as creepy to others who didn't know him all so well. This was Tokyo, home to Adola Bursts and the Fire Force, not to mention the White Clad and the Evangelist. Not to mention every single other Infernal that he's seen in his lifetime.

     To be sitting here, waiting for an Infernal with his team on standby almost constantly, while he's still searching for how and why that human combustion even happens, excites him. So close to the truth, and yet, he needed more information, with the Pillars and all.

"You seem to be in a good mood."

     A light chuckle rang out from behind Licht, the smell of smoke being ever so more prominent now that he could smell him. Of course, he knew the smoke all too familiar by this point, his so-called companion to discover the truth of the world. The steps became closer, and the crooked smile Victor sported went into a slight down drive, causing him to stick his hands into his pocket and seem just a little more normal to his partner.

"Why shouldn't I be? I got to see Shinra almost go fast as he could without an Adola Link to help him. He's getting pretty fast, you know. I wonder if we can tell him the truth sooner or later."

     Joker let out another laugh, sucking up a bit of more smoke to exhale it in front of his own visible eye. Although seemingly light and airy, it held a much more danger and darkness to it, one which you could expect from a dark hero such as himself. Letting his gloved hand take the cigarette out, and dropping it to the floor, seemingly trying to find another one as the sole of his expensive-looking shoes crushed the one that he had smoked. He let his eye flicker over to Victor, who was now looking over to Company Eight's Fire Force Station. The Eight, the company with the Devil's Footprint, an unpowered Captain, and a will to discover the truth about the world around them. It was interesting enough that Victor would even allow himself to stay there, but to study Infernals and to get a look at the generations at each company, Joker would say it was a dream-come-true to the man. It was a shame, however, that there were some things that he could not tell his companion in times of need and want, though he would soon forget about these things later and go back to his mischievous nature.

     Victor sighed, shuffling out a sort of paper from his pocket, it was balled up but had no sense of anger and regret to it. Just a seemingly balled-up paper, that Victor Licht kept in his pocket for Joker to see? It was important somehow, though Joker wouldn't push, the man had secrets, and so did he.

"We got a new recruit suddenly, even the Captain didn't know about it until this morning. They're supposed to be here tomorrow morning, maybe at first light. I don't think anyone would be up at this point, but, knowing Shinra and Arthur, they'll be sparring and probably meet the new person first."

"Hm? Think this is important somehow?"

"Not important, weird. Just after an Infernal attack and some kid wants to join our company as soon as possible. They were really, weird. Like they were from another country or something."

"Somewhere like that Takeru Noto kid?"

"No. Somewhere farther, maybe the Americas? No, but then that would mean that the person would have to be Japanese right? I mean, I've heard no cases of an American Infernal, or an American Fire Force. They don't get it like us, so why would someone from America come here to Tokyo if they have pyrokinesis? Are they second gen? Third gen? Or possibly a fourth? There are so many questions that we could answer in the first few minutes with them, or her, or him, or- whatever! Besides the point, I thought you should have a heads up."

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