Road Trips | Aaron

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I woke to a knocking noise, its sound echoing through my room. The time, which I was able to read after slipping on my glasses, was one thirty in the morning. I pushed the lilac curtains to the side and lifted up the blinds. I saw Aaron, about to knock once more. I rubbed my eye sleepily, smiling at him. I unlocked my window, sliding it up so he could come in my room. I watched as his tall figure easily made its way through my window. He's lucky I'm on the main floor, or else he would've had to climb a tree!

"Aaron, what are you doing here? It's one in the morning!" I questioned him.

"Let's go on a road trip! Just me and you. It's winter break, so you'll be back before school starts..." He trailed off as he looked at the floor.

"I'd love to, but I have to ask my parents first. So, start packing my bag!" I grinned at him as I turned for my door. "My bags in my closet."

I walked down the hallway to the stairs. My bare feet padded up the cold steps as I neared their room on the second floor. My fingers gripped the cool metal doorknob as I twisted it to the side, pushing open the door lightly. I made my way towards my mother's side of the bed. I shook her awake gently.

"Mom?" I asked.

"What?" She mumbled against the pillow.

"May I go on a road trip with Aaron? It's gonna be for a week," I mumbled the last part.

"Sure, whatever," she said against her pillow. She buried her face in the soft material, a moment later letting soft snores escape her mouth. A smile crept onto my face as I thought of the fun Aaron and I are going to have in... Where are we going?

As I opened my bedroom door, I began to speak, however stopped when I saw Aaron.

"What are you doing?"

"I, um, I..." He looked down at the bra he had pushed to his chest. "I'll put it back."

"Anyway," I laughed. "I'm gonna pack my toiletries. Are you sure you've got everything under control in here?" I asked with a giggle.

"Yeah, I think."


I closed the front door quietly behind me, watching Aaron walk to his car with my duffle bag. It was very dark out, but due to the street lights, I was still able to see him. He threw the bag in the backseat, motioning for me to come on. I walked down the driveway, greeting him with a smile as he opened my door.

"M'lady," he smiled with a small grin, his hand outstretched to tell me to enter the car.

I stood in front of his taller figure, placing my hand against his cheek. My thumb traced his jawline, a small smile playing on my lips.

"What?" He laughed.

My eyes moved to his. "I love your stubble."

I glanced down at his plump, pink lips, giving him a small kiss before hopping into the passenger seat.

"So where exactly are we going Aaron?" I asked as he sat down in the driver's seat. He put the key into the ignition, starting the car up.

"You'll see. It's quite a bit of a drive, though, so you might want to take a nap."

I nodded lightly, placing my hand on top of his, which was sitting on the middle arm rest.


I would wake up every few hours, sometimes having to pee or I'd be hungry. It was now eight in the morning; we'd been on the road for seven hours. Aaron still wouldn't tell me where we were going. But I was now up for good and we were leaving a McDonald's drive through. I was devouring my McChicken like there was no tomorrow, and Aaron thought it was hilarious.

Hours passed as we flipped through radio stations and sang along, talked for ever about random things, or we'd just sit in silence. I'd read books and draw, getting sick afterwards. Aaron would place his hand on my knee or hold my own when I'd complain about it. It was now two thirty, thirteen hours since we left home. We had passed a 'welcome to Florida' sign a while back, so I know this is where we would be staying. Unless, that is, Aaron decides to drive into the ocean.

"So we're in Florida... Which part are we staying at? I've patiently waited thirteen hours, Aaron. Tell me now, please!"

"Well, we're staying at my uncles vacation house in Orlando. We're going to Disney tomorrow," he grinned as he glanced over at me.

I smiled broadly as I leaned over and kissed his cheek.

"I'm so excited! Aaron, this is the best - you're the best. I love you so much."

"I love you too, babe. I love you too.""

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