Stormy Nights | Matt

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Y: hey Matt, wanna hang out?

M: Babe, it's almost one in the morning and storming.

Y: so?

M: shouldn't you be asleep by now?

Y: nooooo?

M: you're almost always asleep by now. Go to sleep.

Y: I can't, Matt.

M: why??

Y: it's embarrassing

M: just tell me

Y: don't laugh

M: (Y/N)!

Y: okay! Okay! Gosh. I'm don't like storms. They set me on edge.

M: fine. I'll be over soon.


"Hi, baby girl," Matt smiled his precious smile. His white teeth glistened in the dimly lit living room. He fixed his beanie on his head, which was holding back his hair. He leaned down and planted a kiss on my cheek. "I'd give you a proper kiss if I weren't soaking wet."

The thunder outside roared, making you jump high in the air. The lights flickered, making you want to cling tightly to Matt. You grabbed his large hand as soon as you could, rushing him to your room.

"Babe, my sweats are soaked. Now how are we suppose to cuddle?" Matt pouted. He looked down at his baggy grey sweats that hung loose on his hips. You reached in your closet for a pair he'd previously given you. The material was soft between your small fingers, it was like petting a cloud. Reluctantly, you gave back the sweatpants, for you knew it was good in the long run. (Aka cuddling).

The boy quickly changed in your closet, only banging his head against the door twice. You giggled lightly to yourself, but jumped again when your heard a clap of thunder.

"Matty?" You questioned hesitantly. "Please hurry."

Your closet door swung open, revealing a shirtless Matt. You could tell he had been working out. His arms seemed bigger, his stomach had forming outlines on it. You watched him carelessly through his wet clothes in your floor, smiling up at you as he did so. His charm made you forget about the fact that he already made a mess of the room you just cleaned that day.

Matt's long arms engulfed you in a hug you did not want to leave anytime soon. His bare skin against you gave an unbeatable sense of warmth. It made you feel at home.

With each breath he took, you could feel the rise and fall of his chest. You calmed down more and more each second. You felt him start tracing circles on your back with his finger, which made you even sleepier.

Your arms were around his neck, his arms were resting on your waist. You felt them drop to your hips, and in a swift movement, Matt was carrying you. Your legs quickly wrapped around his hips. He held you tightly with an amazing smile on his lips.

"Hi, beautiful," his voice whispered in your hair. His lips pressed to your temple, lingering, leaving you with a shot of feels. After all these years you've known Matt, and for the past year you've been dating, everything he did still gave you butterflies. You still felt the shot of electricity you'd get when he'd watch you from across the room, sending you smiles and blowing kisses. You felt it with every hug and kiss and hand hold. Matt had the way of making you feel like the most important and only girl in the world. It was a feeling you never wanted to lose, and you knew it would take a lot.

"Hold tight," Matt said lightly as he walked over to my bed. He knocked over some pillows and pulled down the blankets, only holding me with one hand.

You began singing Justin Bieber, causing Matt to laugh. You made him listen to Journals all the time, so he knew the song. He smacked you on the head playfully, both of you giggling.

"Shhh!" You hushed. "You're gonna wake up my parents!"

You took your head off his shoulder and looked Matt in the eyes. They made you melt. Your hands squished his cheeks lightly, caressing them with your thumb.

"I love you, Matt," you smiled.

Matt pecked your lips lightly, whispering against them, "I love you, too, baby." His lips moved to your nose, then your forehead, giving you cute little kisses.

"Stop being so cute," you laughed, running a hand through your hair.

"You first," he winked. "Now, I didn't just come here to make your bed. I expect cuddles." A broad smirk grew on Matt's lips. He plopped down on your bed, keeping you on top of his chest.

Your fingers reached up, pushing his fallen hair off his forehead. Before you could put your hands back down, Matt caught your wrists.

"Baby, play with my hair," Matt whined.

"You're such a girl," you laughed. But you listened to Matt, running your fingers through his hair. He moved his hands from your waist and cupped your face. His lips met yours once more. This time, however, it wasn't just a peck. It was one of those sweet kisses that every girl dreams of. It made you forget about the pouring rain outside and the Lightning that illuminated your room. All you thought about was Matt. It was nothing new; you always thought about him. But Matt was like your reassurance that everything would be okay. His arms had a sense of protection in them every time he holds you, his smile and eyes held love. Cheesy, but you knew it to be true.

"Get some rest, baby girl," Matt said after the kiss. His smile not fading. "I'm right here, and I'm not leaving."

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