No Spawn Point.. Right?

1.9K 84 16

They tried ambushes.

Way to many ambushes, that one could see them miles away.

A Cake... no really, no one asked about the cake as it even gave Nightmare nightmares.

Straight on kills.

Voodoo dances, all that did was have Error join Dance in dancing.

And Steal the Voodoo doll.

Strange devices from Sci.

Sci was banned from Bittytale after the last one backfired.

And a water bucket over a door, but that had just ended hilarious with it ending on Inks head.

The Destroyer just wouldn't die.

Well rather the glitching being would.

Then would get better?

"He's definitely dying, but he's not not respawning," Sci sighed, looking over the results of many battles and reading of the anti-void taken between the times Error 'died' and reappeared.

"Could, there be more then one Error and there just replacing him?" Red said thoughtfully.

Now that, that definitely caused a horrifying silence.

Then conversations began, some becoming arguments quickly.

"Hey!" Ink yelled, banging the wall to get there attention.

The room of sanses quieted.

"Right now Error hasn't reappeared, we can start to plan for the next time and Sci..." Ink said trailing off.

"Yes?" the scientist asked.

"Can you create a device, one that can tract the Error's signature magic?" Ink asked.

"I should be able to, I do have strands of his strings to reference his magic with," Sci said tapping a finger thoughtfully.

"Alright, everyone relax. We'll meet up in a few days to talk again, and hopefully a way to find out whats going on with the Destroyer," Dream said softly, there was some grumbling but soon everyone left.


He whimpered in pain, the web trapping him glowing unholy colors and made sizzling noises where it touched his bones.

A scream escaped his throat as his soul was summoned forth. Ragged breaths escaped him as it floated there.

WhY fIgHt 404 AfTeR aLl....

"Please..." he begged.

ThIs Is JuSt A gAmE

A horrifying scream escaped his throat as a tiny shard was ripped from his soul, he fell unconscious from the pain.

DoN't WoRrY tHe ShArD aLwAyS cOmEs Back

He sank into the endless dreams...

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