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"We need a still holo and a still vid. This is a big moment! Here, right here. Come on, Daddy L, you too." Trevor's mom paused in organizing where the members of her expanding family should stand to take off her smart and hold it out to Captain. "Could you please? Just a couple each still holos and still vids," she said, bustling back to stand between Leo and Trevor so she could tuck an arm around each of them. Trevor's grandfather stood on Trevor's other side and draped one arm across both women's shoulders.

        Captain dutifully captured the stills and gave the smart back to Trevor's mom.

        "I'm Dennis, Dennis Shandlie," Trevor's mom introduced herself to Captain while they both still had hands extended. "But you already knew the Shandlie part with Trevor here on her contract. And this is my dad, Lissa Shandlie."

        "Tallishen Os," Captain replied, shaking Dennis's offered hand. "Captain of Dockland," she added.

        "Oh! I thought you sounded familiar! We spoke early yestercyc when you arrived in orbit." Dennis squeezed Captain's hand between both of hers as if the brief communication where they hadn't even spoken directly to each other had made them long-term friends. Leo chuckled.

        "I warned you about her," Trevor muttered, a sly grin pulling at her lips.

        "I like her," Leo said.

        "That's only because she said you were pretty," Trevor argued.

        "I do like women who say I'm pretty," he agreed, smiling at Trevor and suddenly fully smitten with how perfect she looked tucked under her grandfather's arm.

        "Hm," her grandfather said. "Last time I looked at anyone like that, we ended up having three kids together," he said, pitching his voice so it sounded as if he was giving sage advice.

        "Let me get through one baby before planning more, please," Trevor chastised him, saying it loud enough to include her mom.

        "I'm okay with planning more," Leo offered, lifting a hand just above his shoulder to volunteer for the task. Lissa burst out laughing and stepped away from Trevor to pat Leo heavily on the shoulder.

        "I like you," the older man stated. "Don't eat this one," he advised Trevor.

        "I can't guarantee anything if we get stranded spaceside while I'm pregnant," she replied easily.

        "You two! As if anyone gets stranded spaceside anymore! There are more scans and trackers and readings than anyone ever needs," Dennis said, cascading into the middle of the conversation to hug protectively around Leo's waist.

        "It's fine," Leo assured Dennis, squeezing her tightly. "I know she loves me enough to only take off one of my legs, so most of me will get through to a restock station alive," he added. Lissa burst out laughing again.

        Captain led the combined Daion and Coalition group to the next hold. The lifeboat there contained the nearest meeting room, and the boat's systems were linked to Dockland while it was still in the hold. Charlotte joined the meeting as a holovid, ensuring designated representatives with authority to speak on behalf of both Daion and Coalition peoples were present during negotiations. At the end of half an hour, the few needed details were sorted out and Captain's original idea for exchanging personnel to replace Dockland's lead bridge crew InterStel Officer was agreed to completely by all parties. Then it was time for the shuttle to return landside.

        "You sure you can get by without me?" Leo asked, smiling at Trevor. They were in a lifeboat private Captain had unlocked so they could speak personally.

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