Chapter 5: 17 Seconds

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Your P.O.V

Strolling down the sidewalk with Butsu tagging along, I made me way to the gate of the Night Class to ward off fan girls. I knew I could never be earlier than the fan girls, considering it was physically impossible, but I was earlier than Yuuki.

And everyone was earlier than Zero.

I scooped up Butsu when we were close to the fan girls, tickling his little white belly to calm him down. He gave me a purr, and climbed onto my shoulder. I giggled at him, and sent the girls into their rows quickly with a glare.

I sat on the ground and played with Butsu until the gates opened. I had been giggling at his actions of trying to bite my finger in the air, but falling into my lap, my (S/C) ears caught no sound.

Except for the creaking of the gates.

I stopped my giggling, staring at the Night Class. They stared right back.

Except for Ruka. She glared.

I put Butsu back on my shoulder, and waited for the Night Class to pass.

When Kaname passed, he whispered, "My room. After class. Its urgent." I nodded, before he continued off to Yuuki. I growled silently.

Why? Should I accept these feelings?

No. Its a trick. He will throw my heart away, vampires always do.

Where did this knowledge come from? Stories?

Yes, but-

Then shut up and try!

My internal argument was cut off when Aidou approached.

"Bang!" He tried once more, but I rolled my (E/C) eyes like last time.

He groaned, before walking off. 

This is it, I thought, I will accept my feelings. Then tonight, I will admit them. How long will it take for me to be in tears?

~Timeskip! Brought to you by potatoes~

I knocked on Kaname's bedroom door.

"Come in." A voice in which silk was no match for answered. I stepped in, closing the door softly and seeing Kaname on the velvet couch. (Idk, its been forever sorry!!)

"Kaname." I nodded.

"(Y/N)." He greeted.

"What did you need?"

"Something was on your mind." I blushed when his hand brushed against my forehead. "Something wrong, my (Y/N)?"

When he added 'my' to my name, my heart did 20 push ups and a somersault. 

"Um... Nothing. There is just something I want to ask you..." I blushed a mad crimson that all those vampires loved so much.

"Ask away." Kaname sent a genuine smile.

I took a deep breath.

"Kaname, for a while I have... Well you see..." I sighed before spitting it out. "I'm in love with you! Do you return my feelings?"

His look of shock said all I needed.

Tears flooded my eyes.

17 seconds, I thought, it took him 17 seconds to break my heart.


Ha ha ha, hiiii!!

I know you missed me! ^.~

I'm super sorry, I had concerts that were really tiring, but I'm here!


Thank you all soooo much for the like... the votes.... even the reads... the comments... you guys are keeping me going. 


I have a Link x Reader, I'm updating right after this is published, I shall write that next chapter. Please check it out if you like Legend Of Zelda!


Disclaimer: I do not own Vampire Knight. I do not own you. I own Butsu, the plot, and nothing else (sorry, Meiko wasn't here).

Sorry if characters are OOC! Love you guys!

~The Fabulous 

(did I forget something? i feel like I did. Oh well.)

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