~Raph & Ronda~

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~Ronda's POV~

It's been a month and a half since Raph proposed, and honestly I've been waiting for this day more than anything on this whole planet. Today's my wedding day! I'm so excited. Sadly Raph and I had to wait till Donnie and Della got back from their honeymoon just so we could get married. I slipped into my long strapless white gown that had red flower patterns on the top, and a flowing pattern that wrapped around the front until it went to the train in the back. I pulled off my mask and looked at myself in the mirror. I felt an arm wrap around my neck, I smiled at my youngest sister and looked at the others.

"I love you girls, you know that right?"

They all nodded their heads, and I smiled before turning around hugging Maci before I hugged the rest of the girls. I was hugging Della when Splinter walked in and smiled at us. I pulled away and smiled at him before going over giving him a hug. It was then that the music started and we pulled away. I wrapped my arm around his and we started our short walk down the aisle. I looked at Raph and he smiled at me as I walked the rest of the way. Raph took my hand before whispering to me.

"You look amazing."

I mouthed a quick 'Thank you' as we looked at Splinter, he started the ceremony.

"Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today to join this man and this woman in matrimony. If anyone wishes to state a reason for this union not to proceed, speak now or forever hold your peace."

He looked around and waited until Raph and I looked at him letting him know that it was alright for him to continue. Ralph and I said our I dos with bright smiles on our faces. We looked at Splinter to see him smiling at us as we reached for our rings. It was them that we stated our vows and slipped the rings onto each other's fingers. We stood there waiting for Splinter to say the​ final words, he smiled at Raph and I.

"I now pronounce you husband and wife, you may kiss the bride."

I was pulled into Raph's chest and his lips crashed to mine. I smiled into the kiss wrapping my arms around his neck. I felt myself being lifted from the ground as he held me tight and span with my lips still connected to his. He set me down and pulled away, before I pecked his lips once.

"I love you."

"I love you Raph."

We smiled as Mikey started the music and the song One Call Away by Charlie Puth started playing through the layer. Raph grabbed my hand pulling me into his chest as we started dancing, he held me close with his hands on my waist and mine around his neck. I placed my head on his shoulder and closed my eyes being perfectly content, never wanting anything to change, I lifted my head from its resting spot and looked up at him.


He looked down at me.

"We don't need to go anywhere for a honeymoon, why don't we just stay here? I mean we have everything we need, and I love it here, I just wanna be with my family."

He smiled nodding his head.

"Alright, we can do that."

I smiled, kissing him once again, the night went on just like that, Raph and I holding each other as we danced, I love him, he loves me and that's all we'll ever need.

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