~Raph & Ronda with Leo & Lily~

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~Raph's POV~

I got in late last night, and when I walked into my room I saw Ronda curled up in her shell. As I looked at her I noticed that she was shaking, I walked over lightly placing my hand on her shell.

"Ronda, you alright?"

She popped out of her shell real quick. The next thing I knew she was straddling my waist with her blade to my throat. I looked up at her with wide eyes.

"Ronda, it's me, it's Raph."

Her eyes widened and she backed away real quick, I sat up.

"Ronda, what the fuck is going on?"

I saw tears slide down her face.

"My sisters and I were held as lab rats. They tortured us and injected us with different things, before we turned into this..."

She gestured to her body, what she is now.

"After we changed we broke out, and have been looking for answers ever since. We saw images on the news about vigilantes that people thought were giant turtles. We had hoped that they were true and when we saw you and your brothers, I found hope. However, that hope isn't helping with the nightmares, in fact I don't think they'll ever go away. When I sleep I see the lab we were kept in, I shake because I was always so fucking cold. I see the doctors hurting, torturing my sisters and then I freak. I wake up and pull my blades in my hands. I once hurt Della, if you look at her arm, there's a scar. No matter how much I hate myself for that, I know it's never going away. I would never hurt my sisters, I love them, but if it ever happens again, I promised myself that I would end it. I'm sorry if I hurt you tonight Raph, I didn't mean to and I would never..."

Tears came to her eyes again and I pulled her into a hug. I sat there and just held her, I knew then that my heart was being pulled in two directions. I just hope that when the time comes I can choose the right one and save a heart other than my own. After Ronda calmed down a bit, I pulled away looking into her eyes.

"Come on."

I took her hand and led her out of the room, I turned back to her, putting my finger to my mouth telling her to be quiet as I led her out of the sewer. I led her to a rooftop, we sat on the edge, looking at the sunrise, she sighed​ sitting next to me.

"My brothers and I don't know much about our past, but Splinter was a well I guess you could say pet. He always called himself a friend to the guy who owned him. That's where he learned the art of ninjutsu, he mimicked his masters moves. After his master and the woman he loved was murdered, he was set free from his cage, went wandering the sewers. It was there that he found my brothers and I crawling in this green ooze. He scooped us up into this old coffee can, a few days or so later we started growing and talking as did he. A little while later we found the creator of the ooze. He told us that he had no clue that this is what was going to come of it. Our transformation was nothing more than an accident. I can help you get through this, but it's going to take some time..."

I stood up holding out my hand for her.

"Are you willing to let me help you?"

She took my hand standing up answering my question with a small smile on her face.

"Yeah, thank you Raph."

"No problem, just try to keep the blades away from my throat."

She laughed a little nodding her head.

"Yeah, sorry about that."

"It's alright, but we better head back, Splinter will be ready to see what you girls can do, you have to face me with blades. Hopefully you don't kick my ass because that would suck fucking rocks for me."

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