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Dry tears clung to Misaki's face. No.. this is wrong.. why didn't the guards protect me.. she felt her legs give out, the sting of the raw wounds becoming a painful throb. "G-ah!" She whimpered, collapsing. It felt like metal bars were struck against her, enclosing her whole body in pain. "Why didn't they.." her voice drifted into nothing but a whisper. She was sprawled out on the cold ground of what used to be her grand building- everything she'd work for in her life. This bank was the only thing that gave her the feeling she made something of herself. Yet in the end.. it seems like she never was anything but her reputation. That was gone now. They had claimed her "everything" and soon.. her own life. She shut her eyes as the painful thoughts of those men hitting and slashing her with various objects to make sure she couldn't fight back for the bank. They wanted Misaki dead. She slowly opened her eyes back open. "I can't die.. not when I had everything.." she tried to raise her voice. However, her attempt was in vain. Only now she noticed the crimson spill leaving her body and streaming onto the ground. These wounds were too bad. There was a large, deep slash that went from her shoulder to her stomach, a stab wound in her side, and many gashes on her side. She gasped, dabbing her fingers across one. Blood glittered down them like the constellations reaching out in agony above the sadistic earth. Misaki suddenly jolted in agony, as her adrenaline rush ended. The pain was unlike anything she'd ever experience before.. this suffering was immense. She huffed, trying to keep herself alive as long as possible. So this is what it's like to die.. she thought. It's really over. After everything I've put myself though to get to the top..
Maybe I deserved this. Maybe I put this all on myself. Karma is finally getting at me.
Slowly, her pain began to numb. She couldn't feel her limbs. Her barely open eyes drifted to the window that covered her body in the moonlight. She felt a final tear slide down her cheek. She remembered everyone in her life. Her mother who worked so hard to get enough money to allow Misaki to move to America, her father who was always helped her when she needed it, and her friends who cheered her up in the darkest of days. That was all in the past. She never wanted anyone's help. She wanted to be independent, do everything she needed herself, and to show everyone that she was superior. Misaki finally understood what her greatest regret was. She shouldn't have been so cruel to them. She lived her entire adulthood alone. Every day she felt so lonely, no one to turn to, no one there to help. There was no one left for her, and it was entirely her fault.
I.. I don't believe myself.. even in my final moments I let myself down.. I let my entire life down.. I wanted to show that I was superior.
I am.. right..?
No. I'm not.

Everything went black.

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