Toys, Hair, and Candy

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I decided no to tell Callie or Cooper about our parents. Cooper was only 7 and Callie was 10 turning 11 soon. I know I have to tell them but how do I tell them? But is there every the right age to be told your parents are dead?

I relive that evening almost every night. One of the few things that I always think about is that if my dead teacher didn't grab my hair if I would have been able to help my parents. Or if I just kept my mouth shut. Or maybe if I disagreed with my mom about giving people our food they would still be here to help me out with Callie and Cooper.

"Cooper, Callie come in here." I yelled while getting scissors out of one of the drawers.

Callie came in first holding a toy car above her head while making noises that "flying cars" make. I learned not to argue. Cooper came in shortly after crying and reaching up at the car Callie was playing with.

"Callie," he whined "it's my turn." He looked over at me pouting.

"Nu-uh," she protested "it's my turn you had it yesterday."

"How about I get some new toys while I'm on my run later today?" I said knowing that peaked their interest.

Both of their heads perked up, Callie handed the toy to Cooper and bent down on her knees and gave him a hug. Callie quickly stood up with a smile on her face. "I get to play with the new toys first!" She squealed throwing her hands in the air. Making Cooper throw the toy and start crying again.

I sighed, "Cooper Ill get you your own toys and Callie you need to share," Callie smiled at me knowing somehow she'll end up with all of them. "Callie come sit." I pulled the chair out from the table and motioned for her to sit.

"Why?" She questioned, I waved the scissors and she ran into the other room. "No!" She cried out.

"Cooper-" he got up slowly and sat in the chair. He was always so obedient which made it a lot easier on me. His hair fell to his shoulders in thick brown waves. I began cutting, I had watched my mom do it a few times and even helped her a time or two. So I knew what I was doing... mostly. Half an hour later Callie was sitting on the couch watching me finish Coopers hair.

"C'mon Callie," I said while cleaning the chair off. Cooper was sitting on the couch playing with the car. "I need to cut your hair."

"But why I don't want my hair short." She reluctantly sat in the chair but wouldn't let me touch her hair.

"Callie I had a close call a while ago when we were out giving people food-" she cut me off.

"You mean with mom and dad!" She got up on the chair and looked down at me, "when are they coming back? Because I want some new-"

"Callie!" Callie got off the chair and stared at me in shock. Cooper even stared at me shocked. I rarely ever raised my voice. "They- I told you they are helping the government with- the virus okay? Now sit down and let me do you hair." I said firmly.

Callies expression softened and she giggled "You sound like dad. He was always being mean and yelling at us." My eyes began to water as she sat down. She turned to see me wiping away tears. "Maggie? I didn't mean to say you sound like dad. I'm sorry, you don't sound like a boy." Callies smile was long gone and turned into a frown along with tears.

"Cal, it's alright." I bend down on my knees and wrapped my arms around her. "Now we have a mane to contain." Earning a groan from Callie.

"Are you done yet?" She complained as she leaned back in the chair.

"Cal, I haven't even touched your hair yet." I laughed.

"But why do I need to cut my hair I like it long." She said as she began twirling her hair in between her fingers.

"Callie, I already told you." I groaned but saw this opportunity to get her hair cut. "One of those things grabbed my hair and put me in a tight spot. I wish never for that to happen to you or Cooper." Callie stayed silent.

"When will all of this be over?" Callies eyes glued on the bunker door.

"I'm not sure Cal, hopefully soon because we are running out of candy." I half joked though it was a serious problem. It was hard coming a crossed anything let alone something with sugar. We were down to our last four candy bars. Meaning we have two days before Callie ran out of candy. Since Callies a diabetic it will cause weakness, lightheadedness, and dizziness. We still had a two container of Metformin. Which I always look out for while on a run.

I took a step back to see Callies hair was to the base of her neck but not quite to her shoulders. "And your all set Cal." I said while patting her back.

She jumped up and ran into the bathroom to check out her new look. A loud squeal came from the bathroom waking Cooper from his slumber. She ran over to me. "Look! It's so short!" She smiled while feeling the fresh ends. I almost laughed at the sudden change of heart.

"Callie you don't need to show me I cut it." I said while nudging her towards Cooper, who was rubbing his eyes. She skipped over to Cooper making him feel her hair.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 25, 2021 ⏰

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