Ep 23 New Year And Lost Love

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Season 1, Episode 23, Episode number: 23


[Still image of the club.]



[The whole area is decorated with banners and posters in white, silver, gold, red, blue colors. Pam, Emily, and Kyle are also helping out and bring out boxes of more decorations.]

Pam: It was nice of PJ paying us to do this.

Emily: Yea. She didn't need to. I would do it for free. She has done so much for us. And is a really great boss.

Kyle: I feel the same.

Pam: I don't know if I feel the same. Money is money to me.

Emily: Oh Pam. Why are you always such a Scrooge?

Pam: Excuse me.

Kyle: Don't mind it. Emily is just joking. Have some humor.

Pam: Hahaha. I'm not laughing.

Kyle: Just never mind. Get to work. We got lot to do to prep for the New Year Eve's party tonight.

Pam: Excuse you. But who made you the boss?

Emily: Pam. Stop it. You're acting very rude.

Pam: You know what. I'm tired of you idiots. Set up the party yourselves. Ugh.

[Pam storms out. Kyle shakes his head.]

Kyle: What's with her? Is it that time already for her.

Emily: Don't know. I'll go talk to her.

Kyle: Good luck. Emily.

Emily: Trust me. I don't need luck.

Kyle (sarcastic): Of course. You're Emily. You always find a way.

Emily: Hahaha. Very funny.

[Emily walks out. Kyle starts to organize the first box of decorations out.]



[Emily walks out and finds Pam against a wall.]

Emily: Hey Pam. Are you okay? You're not acting like yourself.

[Pam then glares at Emily.]

Pam (sounding angry): Why do you care?

[Emily sighs.]

Emily: Do you need me to answer why? You already know it.

Pam: Well. I don't need your help. You dyke.

Emily: I can't... (breaking into tears) believe this. You of all people. I didn't think...

[She goes into tears and runs off.]

Pam: Emily. I didn't... Emily! Emily! Wait!

[Pam runs after her.]



[Kyle has just finished up the decorations for the first box and puts it along the walls, standing on a ladder, when he sees Emily pass by him crying.]

Kyle: Emily?

[Pam runs in.

Pam: Kyle. Did you see Emily?

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