Honey I'm home

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Deena pulled up into the driveway. 'Allow me m'lady' Deena raced out the car to Sam's door and bowed as she opened the door for her. 'How chivalrous of you' Sam smiled as she got out the car. As Deena closed the door Sam curtsied and proceeded to put out her hand. Deena grabbed it, planting a kiss on the top of her hand and lead her into the house' As they walked through the door something delicious smelling danced in their noses. 'Josh?' Deena called out.

'You two love birds are home early' Josh walked out the kitchen wearing a chef's hat

'First you ordered pizza- and now you're actually cooking?'

'I decided to take a break from the chatrooms and dabble in the culinary world. Kate's favorite food was chicken nachos so I thought I'd make some and see what the fuss was about' Josh was smiling but also looked as if he wanted to cry. Deena walked over to him and wrapped her arms around him. 'I miss her too' Josh wiped the tears that almost shed from his eyes and reached for the oven. He took out a big tray of loaded chicken nachos. 'I figured you guys would want too, let me know how it tastes' Josh took a portion and headed to his room. 

'Well let's dig in' Deena and Sam smiled at each other and went for a plate. Surprisingly it was pretty good. They then walked into Deena's room and Sam threw herself on the bed. Deena smirked and popped in her favorite mix tape. Her tape reads 'Hey, must be a devil between us'  And coincidentally, Hey by the pixies start playing. Immediately Deena starts nodding her head and lip syncing along. Then she started singing. 'Must be a devil between us, or whores in my head, whores at the door' Sam rolled her eyes. Deena jumped up on the bed and towered over her, holding an invisible microphone 'But hey, Where have you been? If you go I will surely die' 

'You're a doofus' Sam pulled her down and Deena fell on top of her. They both simultaneously bursted out into laughter. 'Who's the doofus now?' Sam looked at her and pulled her into a kiss

'Still you' she said once she pushed her off her. Deena smiled and stared at the ceiling, then turned to look at her. She flipped on her side and hugged her where she laid. 'Did you have fun today' Sam flipped to face her and smiled at her seeing how eager she looked. 

'Yeah, did you?'

'I always have fun when I'm with you' 

'Oh yeah?'

'Oh yeah' Sam got on top of her, sitting on her waist and kissed her. 'Did I get that for saving your life?'

'No you got that because you're cute, you get this for saving my life' Sam began to unbutton Deena's jeans. Deena sat up and looked at her longingly. Sam kept eye contact with her as she pulled down her jeans and then her underwear. She kept eye contact up to the moment she placed her tongue on her clit. Deena moaned gently. Sam began to lick it rhythmically and gently. Deena gripped the sheets and her head fell back. Sam began to pick up the pace and Deena moaned louder. As she was on the verge of finishing her breathing was incredibly heavy. Sam licked her a few more times and she came in her mouth. Sam kept going and Deena couldn't help but to push on her head. Sam held her hand and pressed it into her mattress as her pace got quicker. Deena's legs began to shake and her moans were loud. She came again and Sam got up and kissed her. 'Good thing Josh's room is downstairs right?' Sam kissed her again. 'Right' 

'You know what, I think I'm gonna save your life more often'

'Shut up you ass' Sam pushed her and laughed. Deena smiled and laid her head in Sam's lap. Sam began to play with her hair. Deena sat up and looked her in the eyes. 'I love you'

'I love you too' Deena kissed her and laid on her back. Sam laid herself on top of her and Deena played with her hair as they fell asleep. 

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