Surprise Sunnyvale, the Lesbian has arrived

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This was it, this was the day. Hell must've frozen over because Deena was walking on Sunnyvale High campus as a student. As she walked towards the entryway eyes followed her 'What is this a 2 for 1 lesbian special?' A student said. Deena stopped in her tracks and walked at him. 

'You wanna say that to my face? Pull your pants out your ass you look like Urkel' The kid, clearly offended, fixed his stance and stuttered trying to say something in reply. Deena gave him a dirty look before heading back towards the school building. She met eyes with Michael who then immediately cowered to a different direction. Deena smirked and walked into the school. She spotted Sam drinking from a water fountain. Ignoring the fact that Sam was probably getting 7 different kids of virus's from that fountain, she crept behind her waiting for her to turn around. Sam came up from drinking 'DEENA!!' then hugged her like a lost kid hugging a tree. 'What are you doing here?' 

'I transferred, I go here now' Sam looked excited and worried in one face. Deena didn't want to tell Sam she was doing this to keep an eye on her so instead she told a half truth 'I just missed seeing you all the time and you know it's not like I'm leaving anyone behind now' Sam frowned but then smiled remembering they'd see each other all the time. Sam put her hands around Deena's face and kissed her hard and rested her head on her shoulder. Everyone around them look at them in disgust, and with the disapproving looks, Deena lifted Sam's face by the chin and made out with her for a moment. When they had all disgustedly ran off Sam took Deena's hand and showed her to her first class. 


 Last period rolled around and Sam had English with Deena. As Sam walked over to the classroom Deena pulled her aside. 'What are you-'

'SHHHHH' Deena pulled her into an empty classroom. 'Lets ditch' Sam looked concerned 

'Deena it's your first day'

'So what' She rolled her eyes and looked over at an opened window.

'Deena no! BAD DEENA, BAD!' Deena looked at her mischievously and began stepping towards the window. 'DEENA' Sam ran to her and grabbed her, and accidentally pushed her against a counter. Deena looked at her and smirked before kissing her. Sam backed up, easing her force off of Deena. Deena pulled Sam closer to her, not breaking their kiss. After a moment Deena pulled away and sat Sam atop the counter. Deena looked Sam up and down, looking at her waist with envy in her eyes. Sam nodded her head giving Deena permission to undue her jeans and slowly pulled them down. 'Wait, Deena are you sure we should be doing this?' 

'Do you wanna stop?' Sam slowly shook her head and Deena continued pulling off her pants, and then her underwear. She softly kissed between Sams thighs, loving every inch of her soft skin and made her way to her spot. She kissed it before softly and rhythmically licking. Sam's head tilted back a little and Deena softly pressed her hands onto her waist. Deena licked her clit a little faster now, and Sam let out a soft whimper and held onto the counter with one hand while playing with Deena's hair in the other. Deena once against picked up speed and Sam's mouth opened as she softly moaned. Sam began pushing on Deena's head, which made Deena only lick her faster. After a moment Sam finished and Deena looked up at her smirking. 'We're so rebellious aren't we' Sam rolled her eyes while putting her pants back on. 'Now lets ditch for real'

'Fine' Sam said defeatedly. Deena climbed up onto the counter and held out her hand to help Sam up. Sam took her hand and kissed Deena before climbing out the window. Deena followed her as she ran off campus. 

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 06, 2021 ⏰

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