Chapter 26

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We were about an hour to the event, and things were not going as planned. Everything was fine. The performers did stunningly, the tech was all working, and everything that should've been happening was happening.

Except for one thing. Donations were not rolling in as they should have been. There was a timeline we followed based on the first gala ever held that we used to mark whether or not we were going to make it to our goal.

We understood completely that a lot of our viewers likely couldn't donate or if they could it wasn't a lot, and we respected that fact. But usually, within the first hour, a lot of the in-person guests would have already donated large sums for their vault of wealth. And many fellow CEOs or business moguls from all over donated a bit too.

We hadn't even got a quarter of the way to the goal yet which was usually where we were at at the end of the first hour. Thankfully, it was a long event so we had time to catch up and get back on track, but this was concerning.

Though I was sure there was an easy explanation for it. I had to manage the livestream to make sure it was coming out alright and everything and one thing I noticed of course were all the comments.

Many were just talking about what was going on, others apologizing for not being able to donate a lot if anything at all. But a lot of the comments were very angry hate comments directed at me, Seokjin, and Taehyung. Namely me.

I wouldn't look at them if I had a choice, but I had to monitor responses to the event. It was truly disheartening that people were focusing more on rumors and talking bad about people over an event that was centered on a cause bigger than themselves.

"I guess I should go talk again," I sighed, giving Luna a disheartened smile.

She frowned, "You've got this love. Go bestie!"

I couldn't help but chuckle at her attempt at her lame attempt to pep me up. If no one else, I was glad to have Luna.

I got back up on the stage just as the performers took their bow, waiting till the crowd went silent.

Of course that itself took a bit of time as well since everyone thought it would be better to talk over me, but thankfully the boys were there to quiet them.

"I hope everyone has enjoyed our first hour of the charity gala. With many stellar performances from a variety of performances, we hope you've got a taste for the type of entertainment to come for the rest of the night. On that note, why don't we check on the phone lines and maybe talk with one lucky caller," I said.

The cameras all panned towards the group working the phone lines. It was kind of a sad sight because while there were about ten people to manage the lines, only four were on active calls. For context, usually the lines were backed up. We even upped the number this year because we figured we needed to streamline more.

Still, some calls in were better than nothing.

"Would any of the people on the line like to give a short message about why they decided to donate?" I asked.

One of the workers held up their hand, putting their caller on speaker so they could be better heard. I put my mic up to the phone so it'd come through.

"Hello there! What's your name, and why did you choose to donate?" I asked.

"Pfft why? You want to get in my pants too? What a desperate little toy. Anyway, I'm only here to say this is a crap event you've thrown for a woman. Aren't you girls supposed to be good at parties? Then again, can't expect nothing of a dirty cheater right? You're all the same. Just a bunch of gold digging sex addicts."

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