Chapter 1

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A/N: Since I'm too lazy to think of a school name and names for people. I'm just gonna use my school's name and the names of people at my school that I know.


I tapped my foot in annoyance waiting for the ratchet bus to come and pick me up. I don't drive my car until a week so I have to ride in a filthy piece of metal with brats on it. Just thinking about it made me shudder a little. I was apparently one of the last people to get picked up so I don't even know if I'm gonna have a seat to myself like I had planned on doing.

After what felt like forever I finally saw the bus slow down and stop in front of me and open the door.

"Lakeshore High School?" The bus driver asked me. I nodded my head and got on the bus. I looked down the walkway and saw that there was no empty seat. "Tch" I walked up to a seat with a girl sitting alone in with her ear buds in. I tapped the schoolbag next to her and she looked up at me and pulled an ear bud out.

"Do you mind?" She didn't say anything and just moved her schoolbag and put it on her lap. I sat in the seat next to her and set my bag on my lap. I couldn't really see her face since it was so dark on the bus so I just sat back waiting for the bus to get to the school.

When I wasn't really paying attention I noticed that I was able to hear the music coming from her ear buds. Does she really want to blow out her eardrums? I had recognized a song by Pierce the Veil and just kept looking forward so she wouldn't think that I was staring her down like a creep. Good taste in music I suppose.

After a minute or two when the song was over she turned on her phone and went to her music library and was scrolling through her songs and stopped at one that had a name in a different language. She tapped it and went to some reading app. I listened to the song and froze in my spot. "Sind Sie das Essen? Nein, wir sind der Jager"

Why the hell did I hear the name Jaeger? And why does it seem that the song relates to my what happened in my past life?

"Hey you." I tapped her shoulder and she paused the song and looked at me with a confused look. "Yes?"

"What song is that?"


"That song that was blaring through your ear buds just now. It sounded as if it was in a different language." Great, now she probably thinks I'm a creep for listening in on what music she was playing.

"Oh. It's called Guren no Yumiya. It's the Attack on Titan intro song. Why?" Attack on Titan? What the hell? Why does it seem like it would relate to me and the others? I shouldn't even bother asking her what Attack on Titan is.

"I don't know. It just sounded familiar."

"Oh okay. I'm gonna guess that your new to the school." She didn't have a confused look on her face anymore. It was just expressionless.

"Tch, yea I am."

"Oh okay. I'm a Freshman here if you even wanted to know. If you need help going to your classes I can help you. I've been in the hell hole long enough to know where to go." She has just as much of an attitude as me.

"I guess that's fine by me."

"Okay cool. I'm Brooke by the way."

"Levi." I said plainly.

"Oh sweet!" Brooke said finally not looking so expressionless.

"Uh, I guess?"

"Oops, you probably think I'm weird now, haha. There's this character on the show Attack on Titan that I mentioned a few minutes ago named Levi Ackerman, and..." She looked at me closely for a moment before she spoke again. "you strangely look exactly like him..."

"You don't say." I say in a bit of a sarcastic tone.

"Hm?" She looked at me confused and then her eyes widened. "Wait! Are you the Levi Ackerman, Humanity's Strongest?"

"Ding ding ding." I muttered, but loud enough for her to hear. Gosh it's so annoying being called that.

"Wow." Was all she said.

"Hm, I'm surprised you didn't turn into a Hanji and strangle me in a hug or something."

"Haha, I wouldn't do that to a person I just met. Even if I do strangely know a lot about them."

"Good choice." I said in a monotone voice. The bus driver opened the door and kids started to pour out.

"Shit. Come on lets go." She got up stuffing her phone in her jacket pocket grabbing her bag with her. I grabbed mine and got off the bus and stood outside waiting for her. Brooke came out after a couple of other people. "Lets get going. You probably need to go to student services first anyway." She said as she walked beside me.

She had dark brown hair that passed her shoulders a little and dark brown eyes and light freckles. She was my height which I sorta appreciated. We started walking behind the other people and into the school.

(MY POV) (A/N: Yes I included myself as a character.)

When I got off the bus I saw Levi, but clearer. He still had pale skin with raven black hair in an undercut style. Ha, he's even my height. He was tapping his foot in annoyance. Typical Levi. We walked with the other students to the school.

We walked into the school and he looked around for a moment. "Damn that's a shit ton of people." He said out of the blue. I chuckled at his sudden response.

"I know right. Alright lets go to student services." He nodded and we started walking down the main hallway also known at the mall. As we were walking he was looking around and I would tell him about each hall we would pass. We finally reached student services and he was talking to the lady about him being a new student and all that jazz. We finally left and started walking back down the hallway.

"Can I see your schedule?" He shrugs his shoulders and hands me the piece of paper. "I can help you get to your classes easily."

"Oh cool..."



"Anyway, I'll show you to your first class."

"Ok." We walked to his first hour in silence.

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