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[Bonus: For Oihina Day (01/10/2021)]

October 2031


A letter from January 10, 2026.

The following is an email from the past, composed on January 10, 2026. It is being delivered from the past through by

Dear Future Tooru,

Right now, as I'm writing this, I'm lying in our bed next to you and staring at your sleeping, snoring face. It's been five years since we got married, and ten since we got together. Can you believe it? Sometimes, I still can't believe how I managed to win your heart.

Ten years. We no longer have the same passion we had when we first got together. We've already gotten used to each other's presence that there are no more butterflies or any of that feeling when we're with each other. We'll never admit it out loud, but I know you feel it too. It can't be helped, right? I'm sure it happens to every couple who've been together for so long.

Even so, I still want to be the one by your side at the end of the day and be the first one you see at the start of each morning.

Even so, I still want to hear you telling me about your day - no matter how "boring" you say it was.

Even so, Tooru, I would still choose to love you every day for as long as we both shall live. I made that vow, after all.

By the time this letter arrives on our tenth wedding anniversary, if you no longer hear me say I love you as much as I used to, keep in mind that I still do. The butterflies in our stomach and our passion may fade, but trust that my love for you will never.

Happy Anniversary, Meu Amado. I love you then. I love you now. I'll love you still.

Your husband,

Oikawa Shoyo  

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