Story of my life - Chapter 2

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Current time...
"Neymar! How does it feel being able to play with experienced players like Messi and Suarez?" "Neymar, what is your relationship like with players off the pitch?" "Neymar, we heard you have an interest in music? Is that something you would've considered if it wasn't for football?" "Neymar, are you looking forward to the next match against Madrid?"
Questions were being fired at me like a shotgun firing bullets! This was of course the usual. I'd have interviews like this all the time and in every interview they would ask me more or less the same questions. I sat there with one hand under my chin and rubbing my cheek slowly with the other as I tried to show some interest. This was the life of a celebrity. Yes, interviews, fans and violation to privacy. You couldn't escape the crazy rumours of the media, so I tried to avoid giving them the chance. I tried to answer as much as I could during interviews, whilst keeping my answers short and simple at the same time and tried to maintain the same answers throughout the numerous interviews I would have.
After what felt like hours of questioning, I got up, put my headphones on my ears and walked out of the press room and through the corridors, singing to my music whilst walking out. Yes, this was what I was like. Music was basically my life. Apart from football, singing, dancing and listening to music were my hobbies. The whole world probably knew that already because I had headphones on 24/7. As I walked out into the parking lot, fans started screaming and flinging their autograph books and phones at my face. I stood near a couple of fans and let them take a few selfies and signed a couple of books. I didn't like to dishearten my fans. I looked up and around as I continued walking towards my car. One of the security guards opened up my door for me and I got inside. I belted up and drove off into the beautiful streets of Barça. You must be wondering why the driver didn't drive me home, right? I liked to drive myself. Driving was another hobby of mine. I owned a lot of cars, though it's funny how my dad would tell me I'm wasting money because I wasn't gonna drive all these at one time. But what could I do? I loved my cars. Yeah, I didn't show interest in girls, I showed an interest in cars because at least I knew that cars wouldn't deceive you and hurt you like women would. You couldn't trust a woman in today's era. They were all the same, they'd use us as their toy boys and when they were bored of us they'd cheat on us. No, I'm not giving my own example. I never let any woman get that close to me...not after what happened to me while I was younger with...
But anyway, I was just awaiting the day when she would cross my path again so I could show her payback! I know that at some point in my life she will cross my way, I'm sure of it. For now, I had to keep my head focused on my next match. I would deal with that bitch when she comes my way and that pretty face isn't gonna bring me down... it will only make me more furious and stronger. I drove up into my parking spot and halted. I turned the engine off and stepped out of the car.

So guys... how did you like part two? I know I'm not a very good author but please keep supporting me and don't forget to vote and comments guys! (I'm waiting...)

I don't know when I'm gonna update next, hopefully tomorrow, but it depends on how busy I am

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