Chapter 10

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Chapter 10
Beyond Space Land
Apes 100 left...

Jade said Crash the apes short are numbers so beyond

Space Land weird name, but save slave Sea-Souls. Crash

feel something the body new evolution Space Raider

Bandicoot wild powers control times slow and speed times

is use enemies don't survive. Apes turn said the enemy

start shoot now!!! Jade dodge quick the sky use is star

poison blade!!!! Ape one blood death in other stand in 
There was shooting. Space Raider Bandicoot vanish front

Apes. Ape said where his bandicoot!? Space Raider

Bandicoot use is wild peach bash!!!! Apes turn to later in

blow way the powers is defeated. Crash said that learn

something Apes hard head are way. Ha-ha!!! Jade said

Crash long them hard head is some cool on. Crash said

know village Dash of Trample is let go now! Jade yeah

going six places, booya!

Dash of Trample Village
Apes 90 left...

Crash said there Sea-Souls the wall have key? Jade said

have become ghost never know that kill the Ape lost key,

but thing is doing? Crash said is bush hide inside change

get back him check nobody turn with passed by you think?

Jade said oh right get hurt worry about you show for you

on ear tell stop okay. Crash on bush walking slow in Jade 
Said stop now left turn Ape... Wait times again start walk in

stop again 3rd ape turn in walk way... Crash start walking

is the Ape have key wait again... Ape have key move right

stop here. Crash follow him get back stolen key vanish

know get worries about it. Ape said who get my key? Crash

have key outside the bush open gate Sea-Souls free now.

Apes angry said Crash Bandicoot kill him! Jade jumpy the

smash down said bring on blood Apes! Ape said show kicks

your ass big baby!!! Jade punch slide hit Ape fall. Crash is

change to Space Raider Bandicoot use seven crystal balls

that touch blow up sky high. Apes habit touch blows up sky

high just amazing fall the pieces... Jade said amazing blast

way in next five villages Wing Road is let go Crash! Crash

said yes is blast!!!

Wing Road Village
Apes 76 left...

Jade said the Apes laser shield around place break down

get them are is plan Crash? Crash looks Jade so beauty

never lost her here for me said yeah the plan sees powers

stone something me... Jade said Crash is something wrong

here close him hug kiss head said you doing my bandicoot.

Crash said thanks sweetheart!! Crash change to Space

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