Jealous. Part Two.

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Summary: Y/N is the one marrying Tommy, so why does she need to be so jealous?
Warnings: It's me ya local smut writer! oh language
Request: Yes - anon
A/N: Part Two of Safe Inside.


Y/N had been at home for most of the morning, Tommy had been in meetings and she hadn't felt like sitting around the office watching Lizzie flirt with her husband to be.

Then her petty mind got the best of her so she'd called for a car to take her into town. Here she was outside of the betting shop smoking with Arthur.

"I'm sorry about the other night" she smiled shyly.

Arthur laughed from his place leaning against the wall "Told Tommy you're a trouble maker that's what happens when your friends with John, what's a night out without a little fighting eh?"

Y/N sighed, taking the last drag of her cigarette "was Linda mad?"

She had to admit she was a little intimadated by this godly woman Arthur had married, although she'd only ever been nice to Y/N, the fact Arthur was meant to be limiting his bad business was always at the forefront of her mind.

Arthur had been like her older brother, her protector since she'd befriended John, they'd all gone off to war and returned different men, but she could still get the softer side of Arthur out when she needed something, which she knew Linda disliked.

Tommy had been Y/N's first ever boyfriend, he'd been unsure she was younger than him, but he couldn't deny how much he loved her, she'd stayed with him on nights when he couldn't sleep, she'd gently took the pipe from his shaking hands and let him lay next to her anxious and haunted.

John had simply rolled his eyes the first time he caught her sneaking out of Tommy's room in the Shelby house, he knew it was a matter of time until Tommy fell for her, she was just a friend to John anyway, he had kids and a sick wife to take care of and Y/N had helped so much when he was away, she deserved someone like Tommy who would do anything for her.

"Linda likes you y/n, she wouldn't want you to get hurt" He squeezed her shoulder, stubbing out his cigarette.

"Ok, thank you Arthur" you pecked his cheek before he left for the car and she entered the betting shop.

The Shelby betting shop was buzzing with men from Small Heath, Esme was keeping them at bay taking their bets, giving them her best warning stare if they got too rowdy.

Y/N made her way over to Esme, they had been friends for years and in a few weeks they would be sister-in laws, they were usually inseparable much to the amusement of Tommy and John, sometimes the regret of ever bringing them into the same family over took their amusement because they were trouble together.

"John was so mad" Esme laughed lightly, handing over the newest Shelby baby, Y/N took him in her arms as he cried, she shushed him, dropping a kiss to his chubby cheek.

"Thought Tommy was going to send me away" Y/N joked, sitting on the edge of Esme's desk as she shuffled money into piles.

"We should probably behave for a few weeks, Pol has already warned me" Esme rolled her eyes playfully.

Y/N knew better than defying Aunt Polly's orders "If I want to make it to my wedding day I probably should"

Esme nodded finishing up with the money, she took her son back "Lizzie is in there with him"

Y/N rolled her eyes "why do you think I came here wearing this?" she slightly opened her long coat, revealing the black lace slip dress, Esme shook her head "Get away from here, I've got business to do you harlot"

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