All In. Modern!Tommy

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Summary: You're sick of Tommy's games.
Warnings: Smut & Language
Requested: No

Tommy was already in the Garrison, perched at the bar his brothers were stood around him, the door swung open the laughing from the girls filled the room, all eyes fell on them, Ada Shelby the only Shelby sister, Esme Johns wife, LindaShelby Arthurs wife, Gina Michaels wife and Y/N Tommy's on and off again girlfriend.

Tommy's eyes fell on her, her hair curled and styled to perfection for girls night, red lips in her permanent pout and the dress, skimming her mid-thigh fitted on her body, a leather jacket over her shoulders one that he noticed was his.

She knew this dress would drive Tommy wild and make him angry at the same time, the way it brought attention to her from other men, the way it would ride up slightly as she walked across the bar, all the girls flooded to their men, Ada was in the corner greeting her Aunty Pol.

Tommy was still watching her, biting on his lip, her eyes skimmed over his frame the tight black trousers, the white shirt tucked in, three buttons undone, his hair freshly shaved at the sides and his blue eyes burning into her.

Finally she was in front of him, sliding her way between his legs as he sat on the bar stool, his hands on her hips as she lent down to kiss him, his lips pressing onto hers.

"This dress is-" he took in a deep breath "driving me crazy already" he finshed eyes reevaluating her again, commiting this look to memory, for when he was away on business.

"You like it?" she asked, hands on his shoulders gently massaging the knots that were a permanent fixture on his body.

"I do, I think others do as well" he hummed turning his head reluctantly to look over the crowds in the bar, she smirked

"wore it just for you" she pressed her mouth against his ear.

Lips dropping small kisses to his warm skin "not wearing any underwear" she whispered.

Y/N felt his body stiffen at her confession, his hands sliding over her ass confirming the statement

"fuck y/n-" his breath came out shakey, his blue eyes darker with lust

"So what are we drinking, Tom?" she smiled turning to Harry behind the bar ordering their usual whiskey sours, she could feel his gaze on her.


Tommy spotted her across the bar, people had left, leaving mainly the Shelby family to hold up the bar and keep the party going, John and Arthur were in the corner discussing business.

Y/N was leaning against the pillar in the middle of the room talking to Michael, Gina by his side. Tommy needed to get her back to his, he'd been ready for her since she'd walked in.

"When are you going to admit you're smitten with her?" Polly slid up beside him a knowing look on her face

"I thought you all knew anyway?" he smirked turning to face his Aunt

"Well we do, you need to make her a Shelby" she rose an eyebrow.

Tommy laughed matching her raised eyebrow "She doesn't trust me" he shrugged downing his whiskey

"she trusts you with her life" Polly's accent was thick as she eyed her nephew

"She doesn't trust me with other women" he sighed placing his glass on the bar

"Women love you Thomas" Polly laughed with a roll of her eyes "that they do Pol" he smiled nudging her.


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 24, 2021 ⏰

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