Chapter 19: cheating

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Sophie's P.O.V.

I woke up from a nap. Man, swim meets are exhausting. I wish I didn't have to go back to the pool, I mean, I want to cheer for my teammates that made a final tonight, but I was just so tired. I'm glad I didn't make finals tonight, I'm to tired to actually race again today. I'm Glad today I swam one of my secondary events, which means I would have a pretty slim chance of making finals. And I didn't so... Anyway, I wanted to talk to Zayn before I headed out, so I went to his room to talk to him. When I knocked on the door, Harry answered, "hey Hazza, is Zayn there?" I asked him. "No, I haven't seen him for a little bit...he might be in the lobby." He said, I didn't notice how tired he looked. I don't know why.

But then I felt really awkward when I noticed that Harry was just wearing his boxers. I started to blush, then Harry closed the door in my face. Wow...that was rude! I thought to myself. I headed to the elevator, and pressed the button to go down to the lobby. It stopped at the 4th floor though, Louis walks in. "Hey Lou, you seen Zayn?" I asked him. He didn't look happy for some weird reason. "No.." He grumbles. "You oka-" I'm cut off, "I'm fine!" Louis snaps at me. Tears start to form on my eyes, but I fight them to fall. Luckily I don't actually start to cry. Why is everyone being so rude today? I ask myself. I'm so relieved when we finally get to the lobby. I walk out, still holding back tears. I walk into the lobby, I look around, then I finally see Zayn.

"Hey Zayn!" I yell over to him, forcing a smile to try and forget my bad day so far. I don't think he heard me, "hey!" I yell, but I stop, the smile is wiped from my face. Zayn is hugging a girl. Is he cheating on me? We've only been dating a week, and he's already sick of me!? might be like, a friend, or a relative. I think to myself, trying not to think of the worst thing that this could be. "Um...what's going on here?" I say tapping Zayn's shoulder. He turns around startled. "Hey Sophie! This is my ex-girlfriend-" he starts, but I cut him off. I can't believe this....he is cheating on me. Tears are threatening to fall down my face, then everything floods into my brain at once. I was rejected all of my life, how bad things were at home all my life.

Everything, all those dark nights, all those dark thoughts....they all flood back to me. After all the effort I had put into forgetting them. "Are you....cheating on me!?" I blurt out, I was hoping he would tell me no, but instead, he just stares at me. He doesn't say anything. That's it..I can't hold it back anymore, the tears start to flow down my face. I run out of the lobby door, to the outside.

Its raining, but I don't care. I don't care about anything anymore. I knew something good happening in my life was just to good to be true. I'm running, I don't know where, just as long as it leads me away from everything. I hear Zayn calling after me, I wish I hadn't looked back, but I did. I saw Zayn running after me. I didn't stop, I just kept running. I needed to lose him so I could be alone. Alone to cry. I spot an alley ahead of me, I'm far enough ahead of Zayn so that he won't see me duck into the alley. I hide behind a dumpster, I see Zayn stop right in front of the alley, with all of his clothes soaked from the rain. He looks around. "Where did she go!?" He asks himself. Then he keeps running. Looking for me. I don't want him to find me...I don't want anyone to find me. I sit with my back to the dumpster, and pull my legs up to my head, and cry. I wrap my arms around my legs, and cry harder, and harder.

Zayn's P.O.V.

I'm sitting in the lobby, I'm just sitting there, chilling. Then I get a text on my phone. I look at the text, it's from one of my old girlfriends. I had deleted her number after we broke up, after she dumped me. So it was an unknown number now. But I still remember her number by heart.

From unknown number

Hey! I need your help!!

To unknown number

With what?

From unknow number

Listen...I heard you were in my neighborhood, and well...u know how much I love my pets, I lost my cat!

To unknown number

Fine...I'll help u, I'm in the lobby of the hotel just up the street from UR house.

From unknown number

THX! I'll b right there!!

I lock my phone and put it in my pocket, this was going to be fun.. I joke to myself. Let's just hope Sophie doesn't see me even talking to her. Then she walks in, in her high heals, and crazy patterned tights. (A:N: I'm sure he never had a girlfriend named this, but I had to come up with some girl to be his 'ex') it's Kendra. I didn't miss her one bit, but it sure looks like she missed me, from the way she tried to run towards me in her high heels. A failed attempt, as she got closer, she trips (*cough cough* purposefully trips *cough cough*) and falls forward towards me.

As much as I would have loved to see her fall face first into the floor, I had to catch her. I caught her, and helped her back on her feet. She wraps her arms around my neck, I feel so awkward right now.

"Zayny! I missed you! I'm so happy you decided to help me find my poor cat!!" Kendra says, faking a smile. I can see right past her phoniness. Then all of a sudden, with her arms still around my neck, I hear, " um, what's going on here?" I turn around shocked. It's Sophie, she staring at me, with my ex's arms around my neck. I start to explain,

"hey Sophie, this is my ex-girlfriend-" but Sophie cuts me off.
"Are you....cheating on me!?" She asks, I can see tears starting to form on her eyes. Im trying to think of something to say, I'm not cheating on her, but I need to explain this properly, so I don't hurt her. But it's to late, she bolts out the doors of the lobby with tears streaming down her face. I run after her, "Sophie! Come back! Let me explain!!" For a swimmer, she's a fast runner. I'm starting to fall behind even more, then I lose sight of her. I'm not sure if she turned the corner, or ran into the alley. I stop in front of the alley, I catch my breathe. I didn't even notice that it was raining. My clothes are soaked, but I don't care. I just need to find Sophie, we aren't necessarily in the best part of town. After I catch my breathe, I run again. I need to find her, she doesn't know her way around this part of town. When I turn the corner, I only make it a few more yards. When I hear a scream, I know that scream. It's a fan girl scream. I turn around to see a group of girls jumping up and down and squealing, and pointing at me.

"OMG!! ITS ZAYN MALIK!!!" One of the girls screams, then they start to chase me. They chase me until I run around the block, and make my way back to the hotel. I run inside, and ignore Kendra calling my name, and run up the stairs up to my room. I burst into my room, only to scare Harry. He was sitting on his bed, and when I burst open the door, he falls on the ground. "What the hell Zayn!" He yells at me, then he sees the look on my face. "What's wrong!?" He asks, getting up and walking over to me. "Sophie ran off...." I say putting my hands to my face. "I'm sure she'll find her way-" I cut him off, "she doesn't know this neighborhood! We need to find her!" I yell to him, trying to squeeze the water out of my shirt. "It's okay! We're going to find her!! Let's gather everyone up, and head out!" He said while grabbing his jacket and walking out the door. I have to find her, is all I could say in my head.

ooooo, suspense, cant wait? THEN VOTE! and ill update as soon as i can!

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