Chapter 1: Introduction

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Jennie's POV

I'm alone in my room waiting for my friend's arrival since we will be having our general rehearsal for our church's anniversary. Yes, you heard it right. My friends are my youth mates. Since I grew up as only child and went into different schools due to publicity that I hate. I don't have friends which I can trust. My youth mates are like my brothers and sisters that I trust and we grew up in the same church foundation.

Few minutes they already arrived and we all went to the rehearsal's location. We started our rehearsal until we got everything settled. We were called for a meeting and as it started.

Dara, our coach made an announcement.

"Since you served here in our city since you all are young. Me, together with the other coaches decided to let you perform in our provincial gatherings. Your rehearsals for the said gathering will be next weekend and if you will enjoy there you can request an audition to be a regular performer there"

"Finally after a long time, to dance in our church's provincial gatherings is now already allowed" I uttered being excited.

I grew up serving the church and my mom is one of well known leaders of this church and my dad supported him since mom also supported her all throughout on his business.

While we are on our way home, I asked Chaeyoung to come with me and grab some coffee in the nearest coffee shop near our area, my little sister like friend which only happiness was food ofcourse agreed to come with me knowing that it's gonna be my treat and she will have free foods.

"Unnie, what are your thoughts about our upcoming performance in the provincial gathering? I'm sure that you will grab the audition for I know that you don't want to disappoint Auntie." Chaeyoung blurted while munching her cheesecake.

"Ofcourse I will. To prevent my self from her sermons." I jokingly answered. "But seriously speaking, I will. Since we were raised to be servants. Right? And I know you will audition also since your mom wants you to be a regular dancer for provincial. So let's just enjoy our young age being youth members of the church" I uttered while sipping my coffee.

I was used to be like this. The brat of the family but an Unnie and leader of our group since I am the eldest.

Lisa's POV

I snap out of my thoughts when Jisoo unnie smashed my head.

"Hey! That shit hurts."

"You just graduated highschool but you look like a zombie student died finishing her college thesis! What were you thinking?" She asked.

"Unnie, I heard mom and dad talking about Wendy my dearest sister. That if they found out she didn't broke up with her girlfriend they will punish her really bad" I answered.

"So why are you acting like you were the one to be punished? Don't tell me that you are not straight too? You know how homophobic Auntie and Uncle and they have high expectations from you" She sermon me while ordering her favorite chicken here in the restaurant.

"Unnie, I don't wanna make it hard for my self and I think you are the only one that I can trust. I honestly have this feeling that I wasn't straight but I wasn't sure though" I shakingly answered.

"Oh my fvcking God!! Why did you tell me?! Auntie will slit my neck if she founds out that I know your secret! But honestly speaking, I will help you find that out. I was just shocked because you have a lot of suitors but you were into girls" She blurted out.

"Well, I don't wanna pressure my self. If I fell in love with a boy then I am straight but if a girl make me fall in love then it means that I am not. Let's not focus on that this time, let's eat so we can proceed to our rehearsal. That's a big event for our church you know." I told her and we started to eat.

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