Chapter 13: Life after Lie

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Jennie's POV

It's been three months when Lisa left but still here I am still can't recover from the pain that she left me. There are days that I think that I can go on with my life but there are dark days that I miss her and reality hits me that the person I thought that will fight for me just gave up and left me hanging. Mom decided not to send me to school for one semester because I am still ill. Lisa never talked to me. I am not happy with my life anymore, I spend weekdays getting drunk and partying in different clubs and spending my weekend to serve at our church. Funny right? I thank Taehyung that he's always there. He is my boy bestfriend now, at first I avoid talking to him because I know he is Lisa's friend and I am afraid that he might tell me something about Lisa but he was always there when I needed someone so we became close friends. I have this habbit of going to a coffee shop everytime I feel that my depression will attack me. I also add another piercing in my right ear. For me it is a souvenir from my heart break. I snapped out of my thoughts when Rose called to tell me that she's already in front of our house. I stood up and grab my car key because we are going to the club tonight. We arrived there and Irene unnie is already waiting for us she's with Seulgi and Jisoo will arrive here at any minute. We got drunk as the club is starting to hit it's climax. Meaning the people inside are already getting drunk and starting to go wild.

"Jennie, did Lisa already talked to you?" Irene asked me.

"No? For what? We're done and there is nothing to talk about" I answered and took a shot of tequila.

"Honestly Jennie, you're making it hard for your self. What if you try to give your last shot for Lisa. No hard feelings, just do it. If it works then you succeed. If it didn't at least you can finally move on." Seulgi butt in

"What do you mean give my last shot?" I ask her and raised my brows.

"Take the first move. Talk to her and ask her if she can give it a try for your relationship." She took a shot of her tequila and swallowed a lump before talking again. "Look Jennie, you will do this for your self. If you did your part at least you have nothing to hold on to. Just think about it." She said.

"Let her think about it first. We all witnessed how hard it was for her to recover after Lisa left. Eventhough I am Lisa's cousin I still can't understand why Lisa has to do that." Jisoo said and we all nodded. We spend the rest of the night getting wasted and dancing on the dance floor. I enjoyed this and even got used to hang over so I didn't mind getting drunk anytime.

We went home drunk and Rose decided to sleep in my house. Little did they know that I was thinking about Seulgi's idea. I initially stalked Lisa's social media account using Rose's account. I wanted to be sure if she's single or what before I will talk to her. When I found out that she's single I immediately retrieved my social media account so I can contact her.

"Hi, it's been a long time. How are you?" I typed and sent it to her. Few minutes she already opened my message.

Lisa's POV

I was surprised when I received a message from someone I didn't expected to message me. Yeah, it's from the love of my life. It saddens me that we are in this situation and I can't do anything about it. I promised her I will fight for her but I was afraid because my parents even ask me if I am gay. So I didn't have a choice but to cover up the truth.

"Hi Jennie, I am doing good here in Thailand. How about you? I was surprised that you messaged me." I sent her my reply.

"Lisa, I don't wanna make it long. Do you still want us back? Or if you will just give me a chance" My eyes balled out when I received her message. Although I really want her back but not now. I am thinking of the best word I can tell her so she will not get hurt.

"Jennie, I am sorry. We can't be" I told her. My heart is broken from what I told her. Not now Jennie, but I will take you away from them I promise.

Jennie's POV

Lisa rejected my offer but it's okay. Seulgi has a point. It will help me move on because finally I am sure that I am waiting for nothing. I said and smiled to what happened and drifted to my sleep.

Lisa's POV

I cried all day and night. I am blaming my self for what happened to me and Jennie. I can't even fight for us. No one knew my plan even our friends turned their backs on me because they thought I just left Jennie hanging. Taehyung kept on updating me about Jennie. My heart went broke when I found out that Jennie went back to her old life. Partying and drinking to clubs but he mentioned that Jennie didn't entertained suitors because she's not ready yet. I am afraid what if someone made her happy again? I might lose the chance of getting her back again. I don't know what to do but I needed to focus here in our company so I could earn enough to take Jennie and give her a good life on my own.


Jennie's POV

Mom finally sent me to school again because she thinks I am better now. She didn't know that I still spend my nights getting wasted and crying about Lisa everytime that I am drunk.

"Jennie, look at this" Jisoo unnie showed me a picture. We are here in my house and guess who's in the picture? A man tagged Lisa in a picture with a caption. "Finally, she said Yes"

"What the heck. I don't know what's up to her. I don't know her anymore" Seulgi said with disappointment.

"Honestly, I am not taking Lisa's side. But I heard her Mom and my mom talking about her. I heard that she pushed Lisa to be in a relationship with that man because they are thinking that she's a bisexual. I pitty Lisa because her parents are homophobic and she can't do anything about that." Jisoo explained.

"Whatever. That's her decision and I am out of it." I told them and rolled my eyes.

"I don't even I understand if why she's not even talking to us? Even just to explain why and how she made her decision." Seulgi said

"She's a different person now. Let's forget about her" I told them.

"Jennie we feel sorry for you and also for what happened with your relationship. We all know that you really love each other its just that I don't understand why Lisa just gave up that easily." Jisoo told me while caressing my hair.

"It's okay Unnie. She never love me that deep. She's just confused of what she really is that is why she tested if she will work out with a girl. So she used me. That's it. She used me." I chuckle and turn on my tv so we can watch instead of talking about Lisa.

In the end, Jennie decided to finally move on seeing that Lisa was already in a relationship. She accepted the idea of dating a guy. Although she knows that she can't easily forget Lisa's place in her heart. She chose to live her life and totally forget Lisa. Is this the end of their story? How will Jennie forget the greatest love of her life?

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