✄ trust issues

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I fell asleep in the car, resting my head on Jacks lap.

"We're here!" Leah shouts in excitement.

I get up off Jacks lap and see that we're at Weston-super-Mare, miles from Birmingham.

"this is my favourite beach. After Germany I grew up here." I mumbled.

Jack looked at me and smiled. I looked away

"Right let's get out of this car now." Tyrone says

We get out and start walking towards the grainy sand and in the distance I see 2 blankets lying on the floor like 10 meters from each other, also some candles lighting the areas up.

"Me and Tyrone are gonna go here whilst you are there." Leah muttered.

Great. Not helpful with all these doubts about mine and Jacks situationship, well whatever is going on between us or if there is even anything.

Him and I sit down on this blanket with these candles circled around the rectangular blanket.

"Elise, we're alone now. Tell me why you've been acting so different with me?" Jack asks in a worry.

"I said I'm fine." I replied bluntly

"You're not though. I may of known you a short time but I can tell the difference between the Elise who likes me and the Elise at the moment who's acting different." Jack pointed out.

"You wanna know? I'll let you know then. The other day you were texting someone and literally smiling at your phone? Clearly means you are talking to someone, someone being a girl for sure. I've never seen you smile at your phone like that? We're not official which means you have every right not to stay loyal to me but if I liked someone I wouldn't be out here texting girls. Just wish you would of thought this through before I fell in love with you." I said rolling my eyes.

"Right this is not how I wanted it to go." Jack states and brushes his hair back.

"What do you mean, didn't want what to go like this?" I questioned.

"I'll tell you who I was smiling at, I'll even show you the bloody texts. I was smiling at Tyrone because I was texting him about you. I was texting him saying that I want to take you here so that I can talk to you. It hurts so much that you can't trust me for whatever reasons?" Jack answered firmly.

"Jack you're literally a player! You always have been and probably will always be. That's the reason I can't trust you for goodness sake. Making me over think a lot of things all because you're too busy probably texting others, and not reassuring me." I exploded.

"Elise for Christ sake I came here to fucking tell you I love you." Jack burst out in anger.

I sat there in shock, I didn't know what to say.

"Jack.." I said in shock

Next thing I saw was Jack walk off, brushing sand of him that must of landed on the blanket. He walked over to the car.

Leah came walking over to me whilst Tyrone over to Jack.

"What happened Elise?" Leah questioned me.

"Mr Grealish over there. He's having a go at me for not trusting him and stuff." I scoffed to Leah.

"Oh for fucksake Elise. You're being the issue right now. As you're best-friend I have a right to tell you what's going on."

"Spill it then!" I was starting to get mad.

"He took you here to ask if you would be his fucking girlfriend. He's been planning this for days, stressing about this for days. Asking me and Tyrone for our help because he was worried about what you'd say. But all you can rave about is that you can't trust him just cos he USED to be a player. He met you and he's changed his ways clearly. Everyone can say that. So stop having a go at the poor boy about your shitty trust issues. He's better than that." Leah said with extreme anger.

"Woah. I never realised that I let my stupid trust issues get in the way with him. I feel so shit." A tear rolls down my face.

"I'll get Tyrone and you go talk to him, don't fuck up Elise. He literally would trade anything for you." Leah reassured me, gives me and hug and walks off calling Tyrone over to her.

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