°• Retribution•°- K.th

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This is the start of this series it contains warnings like:

→harsh words
→sexual scenarios
→it will mostly have nsfw stuff and rarely any fluff so don't read if you have any triggers :)
Has mostly female reader pov but also male too <3

➳ I do not impersonate any idols or try to sexualize them. I do not diss the fandom or the idols~

ALSO ✐ .°• I am not a native english speaker so let go of my grammer.


♫ I hope you enjoy the series ッ

He lied you down on the bed while your ticking heart alarmed you for the things coming to your way

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He lied you down on the bed while your ticking heart alarmed you for the things coming to your way. You did not speak anything just waited for what was coming, being the dumb slut in front of his eyes.

"You really thought you could go away easily after teasing me right there?", Taehyung asked you while you simply buried your pretty face into the guilt. You teased him because you wanted some spice but now your own stupid self couldn't handle his furious eyes.

"Now you cannot even look at me? What made you think that I would be easy on you?", he asked you while his big hand rested on your thighs, making you think whatever you did or thought was a bad decision.

"I am sorry T-Tae. I~", he cut you off just by his night dark gazes. You knew it was too late to do anything or say. "Whatever you dirty mind thought, I don't care about that baby. Get ready for the punishment right now." , he said making your inner thighs shiver with dread.

He went away taking off his clothes , just being in his boxer, as you were able to see his bulge clearly. You couldn't help but stare.

"lie down like a good girl and take your punishment", he grinned while you just waited. He went away, coming back with a cloth. Tying your hands together tightly he asked again, "Try to escape" , you tried but you just felt your hands aching already rubbing each other.

He again came back with something in his hands. It was surely a vibrator. "Tae I am sorry I won't", "Its too late doll. You teased me while I was working with the bandmates. Now feel the pain.." , you tried not to squirm but nothing helped.

He undressed you slowly making you needier. With every touch of his fingertips. All you wanted in this damn was him inside you cruelly or softly you didn't care. "Look how your legs spread themselves like an obedient girl?" , he teased. "Taehyung, please can you-", he cut you off by entering the vibrator inside you.

"Don't try to tell me what I have to do. You are my cum doll, so just do what I say.", he switched the vibrator on making your thighs ache. You moaned as soon as you felt the pleasure, not even half of the pleasure of him. He came up to your collarbones kissing them, leaving big love marks.

"Now, do not moan, or won't give you what you long for.", he ordered and placed himself on the chair he started to rub his bulge as you watched him hungrily. He smirked at your uncontrollable expressions, as the revenge was on the way.

You held yourself from moaning like a leaking tap. You wanted to beg badly. You wanted the pleasure. Soon he took his member in his hands slowly touching its tip, stroking it as slow as possible. You felt the walls of your womanhood giving up.

"Look at you now, poor thing all worked up? I haven't even touched you properly" , he said stroking his c*ck a little faster. You tried to tear up the cloth but it was a stupid move, you already knew that your wrists were tied up too tight.

You finally whimpered a little making him all annoyed over your small body. "What?", he asked you while he threw his head back whilst touching himself. "M-Master, I am gonna cum.", you moaned breathless.

He arched an eyebrow. "We haven't even started yet baby", he said making you desperate. "I want you~", was all you could say. "You should now know who has the right to tease. Don't you?", he asked. You nodded while the sweat gave up and fell down all over your body like diamonds on your dermis.

He came closer making you look at him. He closed the vibrator at the time when you were no far from cumming. "You never asked me if you can cum or not, you are spoiled aren't you?", the patience in you nearly flew away when he started fingering you. "Master I-I am sorry. Please lemme have you.", you begged again that made him all satisfied.

Oh the glamorous feeling he was hit by. Your whining made him nothing but hornier. "On you fours little pup.", he ordered and all you could do was obey him.

Lifting your chin before kissing you passionately, he played with your body, but that was the thing you wanted.

He slapped your buttcheeks making them red. The feeling pinched your inner tissues badly. "I-it hurts!" , "If it hurts, its good for you . Now be a good cum slut and beg for my c*ck like you should ", you did as he said. Once he was fed up he entered you fast, without any warning, not giving you any time to adjust.

You moaned like you wanted since ages. "Now you know who has the control doll. Don't you dare to change sides.", he said clenching your neck from behind making you shocking choke on air. "Please make me cum Master", "Look at you already wanting it." , he said looking at your state. He came to your ear and whispered in his dark voice.

"Now get ready to have it multiple times"

"Now get ready to have it multiple times"_______________________________________

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