.•°Rain drops°•. - J.hs

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Getting back with him you were all tired and threw yourself upon his shoulder to gesture it

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Getting back with him you were all tired and threw yourself upon his shoulder to gesture it. He didn't mind and let you do so. "Is my kitten tired?", he asked with a grin as his lips parted. You just nodded smelling his scent from his shoulder.

You both were back after a long date roaming around shopping malls, eating and having rides. You decided to walk back home as you were full. He made you twinkle in the whole day. Now you just needed him and the bed to rest.

Soon after few steps your nose experienced a drop. Then another at your wrist. "Ouh its raining?", you asked. The rain started up suddenly with the droplets making uncountable splash sounds. The roads wet. "Gosh get back home soon let's go", he exclaimed but your hand stopped him.

Your fist over him made him look at you slow. "Hoseok...please?", you begged. "No [Y/N] you will get ill you know the last-" "Yes! The last time I got ill because of the ice cream I ate before dancing in the rain. And it was cold that day but please this time?", you shushed him.

He couldn't say no to the gratifying look on your face. Your eye brows furrowing and puppy eyes popping out. "Ok you can, but not for long. You get me?", he said. You felt your head being wet. You nodded and sprinkled all the water making your head bounce. You started playing while walking home.

The waters were cool making the warm day a little better. The tree leaves sparkling in the street lights with the rain. He was just looking at you getting all wet and secretly smiling looking at you enjoy the rain. You let out a laugh when you splashed the rain on him with your leg getting his pants half wet. "you naughty little!", he scolded splashing back.

The fight continued until he was dome with you (lmao)

"Hey Bub, its done now, you'll catch cold let's go home", he said. "Noooo", you cried for more. "I said let's go. No more [Y/N]", he said dragging you with him as the rain was still continuing to get heavier. The droplets on the rooftops sounded aggressive.

You both reached home opening the door as the floor got wet. "you'll clean the mess babe", he said playfully. "You allowed", you gave him a cheeky smile. He realised your shirt was wet and white, your inner body was completely in his view. He couldn't stop watching. "[Y/n]?", he calls out. "Huh?", you see him pointing at your breasts. Your bra was visible as the shirt had become see through.

"Ouh fuck", you said running away and hiding it. "Wait Kitten", he stops you looking at it again. "Hobi? What are you looking at stop-", you hid yourself again. "You're beautiful you know that?", he complimented making your heart hammer even faster than it was. You fell into deep silence.

You looked down on the wet floor, your cheeks burning bright red. You couldn't imagine to think about this moment. You bit your lower lip in embarrassment. He made his index finger touch your chin, lifting it up looking into your pupils with mixed emotions. His eyes expressing softness but the darker they were growing, it showed a new side of your man.

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