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It was getting hotter

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It was getting hotter. He walked towards me. His perfect body was visible even in the dark. I couldn't focus anymore. His breath was reaching my ears as soon as he held my chair from the back and turned it around. I could listen to my own breath after a while. "You ate well Park Jimin." He starred at my stomach. But no, it wasn't the stomach that he starred at.

Think of something dumb... What the hell is he planning? To make me cry again probably? I tried to play it cool. "Thank you Mr. Jeon. I'm really thankful." I squeaked after covering my area with both the hands when I found out he was looking at my pelvic area. Not actually over it but around there.

"You are trying to hide it? Aren't you?", he clenched his jaw sucking in a breath and exhaling as he walked to the laptop and closed the screen. "Sir-", yeah, that was the only thing I could say. He wasn't dumb. I knew he saw the boner when he walked towards me. He knew what was going inside me.

He didn't say anything but starred at me for a long moment. The environment in the room got shaky. It wasn't good. He folded his arms that made his biceps pop up. "You have time to accept it. I swear I won't go hard on you." What was he talking?

I wasn't prepared that once, he clenched my neck with his hand that was covered with wins visible through his pale skin. I held his hand with both of mine. I tried to escape. "Leave- me-", I cried soft. He plucked me up from my chair pinning me over the wall. I still tried to escape him. He wasn't being real that way?!

He pinned his thigh in between my legs that I hovered in the air and the wall behind me. I was sitting on one of his thigh. "He left my throat. I coughed, placing my hands over his thigh. "Look how adorable you look. Look at your cheeks flushed in red. Hm?" He brushed his thumb over my cheek. I slapped his hand away.

"You maniac. You cheek! Are you outta your mind?", I managed to say between my coughs. "Jimin, I know what I did to you before." I held in my gasps. I wasn't prepared of whatever was going on. I never imagined. It was the first day of my work. This couldn't be happening.

He touched my thighs. I couldn't react but feel myself burning. "I am sorry for my behavior. I understand we are not all the same. Some people get hurt in simple things. I apologize", my eyes softened at his. He put me down on the floor. I wanted to go back. He blocked the way with his hand, just like the way he did last time.

I was speechless. "Does that mean you don't forgive me?", he asked. There was a slight smirk over his face. His lips sparkled in the light over my head. "No- I- appreciate. You aren't a coward who won't apologize. I am just-", he put a finger over my lips, he pressed it a little to shut me up. "You are nervous around me." He let go of the lips and rested both of his hands over the wall. Blocking both my ways.

Why was he different? Why is he soft all of a sudden? If he still hates me like the other bosses used to, why can't he scold me? And put me at my place? "Ahahah- yeah kinda. I am not good at meeting people so-", he cut me off while looking down at my pants. "And what about you little member down there? Is it nervous too?", the words made my back stretch with fear.

There was an awkward silence in the air. The office was probably locked. There was no one. He pushed his lips over me. Pulled my waist with one of his hands while the other one massaged the back of my neck. The feeling was new, the butterflies in my stomach turned into beasts. There was no way I didn't want to do it. I kissed back. I rested my arms on his chest.

He pulled back in an instance of time. "I knew it Park Jimin. From the first glance. You are a h_e", he squeezed my butt. I gasped  but couldn't help it, he put his tongue inside my mouth making me suck it. I melted down in the kiss forever. "Jump", he ordered. I was confused. "Jump Mr. Park", I jumped just foe him to push his hands inside my legs and pick me up. "No- that wasn't what I needed-", "shut up"

He pushed down my body over the table taking off his coat. He positioned himself in between my legs, coming up to kiss me once again. "I love your plump lips", he said kissing my cheek. I felt myself growing there. He pulled down my pants after removing my pants. "I know you would never mind me doing stuff like this to you", he smirked looking at me while I stretched my head behind.

He started massaging my thighs so I spread my legs feeling his hands magically pleasing me. He was probably starring at the way I but my lips to hold in my moans. It felt really good. He pulled my member out stroking the tip lightly. "Sir...", I let out the word in a sigh. He was breathing heavy too. "Let's solve your problem. Mr. Park", he scoffed.

My eyes rolled back as soon as he started to stroke it up and down. His hands gripped it softly but hut it at the right place. I started moaning even before I could know it. He was mocking my high pitched voice with his giggles in between. "Look who is enjoying being blown by his boss", he pecked the tip and started licking the pre-c_m off it. I moaned louder everytime he bobbed his head.

I grabbed the end of the table once he went faster. His tongue was teasing my orgasm lot. My breath raised. My back hurt while I arched it. I needed to release. "Sir! I'm gonna-", "Call me Jungguk, how adorable Jimin. Call me by the name, I won't let you c_m until you don't." He stroked the c0ck with his hand while talking. Just two breaths away and I moaned his name like I were his pet.

"Mnhhmm little boy likes me", he smirked and put his lips over my member again, sucking it harder that I couldn't hold myself in anymore. "Jungguk!  No!", with all that I came over his lips, he opened his mouth taking it in. Licking his lips, he raised his big body up. I fell almost unconscious with the release. It wasn't the same when I used to touch myself. It had some other fun that pleased me.

"Good boy.. you obeyed your boss", he ruffled my hair, opening the buttons of my shirt to kiss my chest. He was unreal. He made me pull up the pants and made me sit on the chair again. Pecking my head he joined his head with mine with all the love his chest could fill. "I am actually really sorry for what happened", I couldn't think but I just didn't want to get too touchy. After what happened, I didn't mind.

I held his hand with mine. Comparing, mine looked like a baby. "No need to say sorry. I'm just too sensitive that I shouldn't be. I know I have to understand"
"Jimin, you don't have to."

He kissed me again. Pulling away and smiling the sweetest smile.
"You are an angel. You couldn't even know about this world"


I hope you liked it haha. Tysm again for 14k



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