Your Bio

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Name: Y/N H. Mercury
(The "H" stands for "Hutton")

Age: 16

Sexuality: Straight
(Since we were adopted, we were a straight male from the beginning)


Parents: Freddie Mercury and Jim Hutton

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Parents: Freddie Mercury and Jim Hutton.

Close "relatives": Brian May, John Deacon, Roger Taylor, and Mary Austin.

Actual close relatives: Bomi Bulsara, Jer Bulsara, and Kashmira Bulsara.

Regular Semblances:

Break Free: You can disable any semblance that is inflicted either on you, or on your loved ones.

Electric Atmosphere: You can buff your teammates by singing and performing, also gives an illusion to your foes that you are much stronger than them, in which you are.

Live Aid: This goes hand in hand with Electric Atmosphere as you send sound waves powerful enough to shut down a bullhead. While also buffing your teammates since you are still performing.

Radio Ga-Ga: You create deafening shockwaves due to the clapping in the song, this can cause eardrums to burst. The other thing is, if they try to cover their ears, it becomes worse. The only way to not have a side effect of deafness, is to sing along and do the clapping yourself. Also, the more claps the better. This does only affect Huntsmen and Grimm.

Powerful Semblances:

A Night at The Opera: Singing any song from this album creates an aura generated creature of your liking to fight alongside you.

News of the World: Singing any song from this album will force the foe to sing with you even if it's a lip sync, if they resist, they will die.

Stage Presence: Projecting like Freddie Mercury will put the enemies into a trance watching your performance.

Likes: His family, his loved ones, his team,Team RWBY, JNPR, CFVY, performing, and playing the piano. Also put whatever you like since your the one who owns this bio.

Dislikes: Cheaters, and Betrayal. Same thing here, put whatever you want.


(A/N: This isn't my art and yes, only one weapon)

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(A/N: This isn't my art and yes, only one weapon)

(These are not OC's, just alterations of the actual sons of the Queen Band)

Daniel May



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Age: 16

Regular Semblances:

Solo: Daniel plays a series of guitar riffs, that damages nearby eardrums and squishy guts.

Fat Bottom: Any female foes, and some huntswomen if they choose to, will be seduced and put into a trance if he plays this riff.

Powerful Semblance

The Red Special: Daniel uses his dad's guitar that played in the live aid, and will give him buffs and more

Brandon Deacon:



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Age: 15

Regular Semblances:

Disco Deaky: Brandon, while playing bass, dances to the music creating buffs for the entire team.

Under Pressure: When Brandon plays this riff, the enemies will feel tired and weary. From being "Under Pressure"

Powerful Semblance:

Another One Bites The Dust: Brandon can only use this move twice a day, as it lets him choose who to turn to dust.

Sean Taylor


(A/N: Not Mine)

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(A/N: Not Mine)

Age: 18

Regular Semblances:

Drum Fills: Whenever Sean does a drum fill, the entire ground beneath his opponent of choice will crumble and crush said enemy.

Cymbals: Sean can choose to hit his cymbals hard enough to deafen his opponent for a couple of minutes.

Powerful Semblance

I'm in Love with my Car: His aura generates a vehicle his of choice and will fight alongside his teammates

Rogerina Taylor: For this special semblance, he switches genders to gain an advantage over his foes. But unlike his dad who doesn't mind,  he hates doing it.

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