Discovering my Semblance

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(Age: 4)

I was watching my dad's concert in Vale, I was backstage as he sang all of his hits, the crowd cheering him on as he continued to interact with them. My other dad was beside me, Jim Hutton, he was a great dad as well, amazing in fact. I can't believe how lucky I am to have two amazing dads. During a concert break, I heard a "Hey little Freddie" behind me, "Hi Uncwe Bwian!" I replied.

(Y/N): Can I see youw gwuitaw Uncwe Bwian?

(Brian): *Chuckles* Here you go, I call it; "The Red Special"

(Y/N): *Eyes dazzling* Woah... It's so cool! Can I have it?

(Brian): Oh no, no... not yet little Freddie

(Y/N): Aww...

(Brian): I can get you one when your older, *ruffles hair* okay?

(Y/N): YES! Uncwe Bwian, youw the best.

(???): Well, someone likes to be me someday...

I turned around to see my dad, on the doorway.


(Freddie): Hello dearie.

(Y/N): *tugs on Freddie's shirt* Have you seen Uncwe Bwian's gwuitaw? It's so cool! He calls it "The Wed Speshal"

(Freddie) *glances at Brian* Really now darling? Interesting... so, are you hungry?

(Y/N): A wittwe bit, can we get, some beew?

(Freddie): Hmm? Oh no, you're too young dear!

(Y/N): But Uncwe Woger told me beew is appwe juice...

Laughter can be heard in the lobby, mainly Deacon's and Roger's

(Freddie): Apple juice it is, but don't drink the one in glass bottles. That's a little too bitter, we don't want bitter apple juice, don't we dear?

(Y/N): Bittew appwe juice? Blech! *sticks tongue out*

(Freddie): *laughs a little while handing me a juice box*

(Jim): He's just a pearl, isn't he?

(Freddie): Yeah... *sighs*

I peeked behind the curtain so see, millions of people, human and faunus all having fun even when my dad isn't on stage. After finishing my juice box, I ran to where Uncle Deacon, Uncle Roger and my friends are to play with them.

(Freddie's POV)

(Freddie): Jim, you know I won't be around for long.

(Jim): I know Fred...

I look down in sadness, and started thinking... maybe it's time to stop, and watch my child grow up. Maybe...

(Freddie): Take care of him when I leave, yeah?

(Jim): I promise Freddie.


I was playing with Sean, Daniel, Brandon, Uncle Roger and Uncle Deacon, we were having fun playing "Red Light, Green Light", then Uncle Roger showed me to his drums, then Uncle Deacon sat me on his lap with his bass in front of me to play with.

(Roger): Hey (Y/N), how are you glowing (F/C)?

(F/C stands for "Favorite Color)

I looked to see myself glowing in my favorite color, and playing the bass pretty well. I played the first few bars of "Crazy Little Thing Called Love" before accidentally dropping Uncle Deacon's bass.

(John): FREDDIE!

With that, my two dads came running into the room fearing that the worst has happened to me.

(Freddie): Is everything alright here?

(Roger): (Y/N) has a semblance...

(Y/N): What's a semblance Uncwe Woger? Is it a cool toy?

(Roger): Yes, it is a cool toy (Y/N).

(Y/N): Can I get it?

(Freddie): How about you go with Uncle Deacon, he'll get you some of your favorite ice cream.

(Y/N): YAAAAAAY! *tugs on Deacon's pinky finger* Let's go Uncwe Deacon! Guys c'mon let's go!
*Daniel, Sean, and Brandon tagged along*

(Freddie's POV)

(Freddie): *pinches nose bridge* So you're saying, that when (Y/N) was playing the bass with John, he glowed (F/C), and played the first two bars of "Crazy Little Thing Called Love"?

(Roger): Yes

(Freddie): Well, we have to find a school then that will develop his semblance.

(Brian): Didn't he want to become like you?

(Freddie): He did dear, but he wants to be both a fighter and a singer. And based on his semblance, he can do both.

(Roger): I know a three places: Beacon Academy, Shade, and Signal.

(Jim): I've heard of Beacon being the most prestigious school to go to.

(Freddie): How much to enroll for Beacon?

(Roger): You have to pass the vigorous entrance exam in order to get accepted, no fees whatsoever.

(Brian): He needs a weapon then.

(Jim): How about this, we wait 'till he's 10. Since this is the first time we've seen him actively use his semblance, even if it's unconsciously.

(Freddie): Sounds good.

(Roger): Sure.

(Brian): Yeah.

(Voice on the P.A): Queen, ready for you in two minutes.

(Y/N's POV)

I was being carried by Uncle Deacon because we were a little late to the concert and he had to perform. The line at that ice cream store was long, but it was good. Neapolitan, I think that's the name...

(John): Next time, *pant* we are going *pant* to get ice cream *pant* earlier *pant* before people arrive

(Y/N): Okay Uncwe Deacon!

With that, I enjoyed my ice cream, while my dad performed on stage.

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