First "Date"

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-End of school-
You rush to the bus for the game but really your just excited to see Deenas smile again.

-In the bus-
You look around to try and see Deena but all you see is your mom patting at the seat next to her.
You scoff disappointed and head to the seat beside your mom.
After still looking around the bus for Deena you finally see her enter the bus with her band uniform.
How can a band suit look so... good?
You can tell she's looking around for you. The popular kids annoy her. "I thought you quit." she rolls her eyes.
She spots you and smiles.
Your so happy to see her smile again.
She's happy to see yours too.
She sits as close as she can without being suspicious.
Your mom goes to read her book as the bus starts to move and head to Sunnyvale.
After a minute of staring on and off at each other she looks down at something and hands you a piece of paper when your moms not paying attention.
Note- "hey... stranger."
You slightly laugh and turn the paper around to write a note back. note- "nice band outfit"
You hand Deena the note she laughs and hands out one more. You touch hands. Her hands are soft, gentle. It felt as everything went slomo. You both pause and look up to each other. Eyes on each other. You blush. The moments suddenly ends when your brother Simon turns from his seat and gasps. Under his breath he says: "Kate and Josh were right..."
The bus driver announces that you have arrived at Sunnyvale school. Everyone groans disappointed. But you and Deena both still smile after what happened between you are her.

-At Sunnyvale Game-
You are the last person to leave the bus with your mom. You lose sight of Deena..
Shadyside and Sunnyvale split up in two groups on the field in front of Sheriff Goode. He talks about the murders from the other night. You think: "good lord another Shadyside murder.. great." After the sheriff finishes talking the game starts. You manage to sneak away and to your surprise you see Deena sitting down in the same place you were heading to.
You: Deena?
Deena: Oh hey y/n what are you doing here?
You: This is my safe place at Sunnyvale.
Deena: Oh makes sense, yea i just wanted to get away.
You go to sit beside Deena.
You: Are you okay?
Deena: I just- i don't know.
You: You can talk to me, stranger
Deena smiles.
Deena: It's just that.. i don't know.. i just feel alone.
You: Im sorry about that Deena. I know we haven't known each other for long at all but I really like you.
Deena: Wait you do?
You: Yeah
Deena leans in. You lean is also.
Your lips touch.
She lays her soft hand on top of yours which is laying on your knee.
*People cheering*
You: it sounds like the games over. *smiling*
Deena: I guess we gotta go... i'll see you later
She smirks.
You: See you *smiles bigger*

You drop your backpack on the ground of your room.
You cant stop smiling.
You lay in bed replaying the kiss in your head.
And soon fall asleep.

Falling in Love. Deena x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now