
2K 45 13

Kate comes into the art room.
You and Deena jump and throw your clothes on.
Kate: Oh my god.
Kate smiles and chuckles.
You and Deena look at each other surprised
Kate: *Haha* Come check out what the boys made
You: Oh okay
You and Deena chuckle for a second.

You and Deena look at the gym wall and see in big letters: "*jocks name* IS A DICK IDIOT!!" in red paint.
You: Oh my god..
Simon: You like it?
Deena: Holy shit!
You turn your head to Deena
You: Of course only our brothers would do that *rolls eyes and laughs*
She laughs
Deena: Hey Josh,
Josh: What
Deena: Is it past your bed time? Looks like you put the K backwards..
Josh turns his head quickly to the graffiti
Deena: Kidding
Josh turns his head back to everyone and stomps his foot rolling his eyes
Everyone begins to laugh
As the laughter fills the gym you hear a door open farther down in the school.
You: Wait did you guys hear that..
Kate: Yeah.. what was that?
Simon: Maybe it was one of the Shadyside killers!! *shocked sarcastic face*
You: Quiet nerd.
Foot steps walk threw the school toward the gym.
Josh: *whispers* i think we gotta hide...
Kate: Follow me!
Kate takes everyone to the Gym storage room.

-After waiting 15 mins-
Kate: Ok i think we are good now.
Kate slowly opens the door.
Kate: Clear.
Everyone steps out of the storage room.
Deena: Let's get outta here.
Deena grabs your hand.
You get butterflies again.
You all leave the school.
Kate: I'm gonna head to my house now. Simon, Josh wanna follow me our houses are in the same direction.
Josh, Simon: Sure
Deena: See you guys
Kate,Simon,Josh: Bye

You: Guess it's just me and you.
Deena: I guess so.
You look down at the ground.
Deena: Hey y/n?
You: Yeah?
Deena: I don't know if you have to get home or whatever but do you wanna maybe head over to my place?
You: Oh really? Sure *you smile*
Deena smiles too.

-Deenas house-
You sit at the edge of her bed.
Deena grabs a mix tape and placed it in the cassette player.
Deena: Hope you like the Pixies.
You: No way! You like the Pixies too?
Deena: Yeah! One of my favourites *smiles*
"Hey, been trying to meet you"
Before you know it you and Deena and cuddling on her bed.
One of your legs on top of hers.
She runs her fingers threw your hair.
"Whores at my door, Whore in my bed.. But hey."

You look at her soft lips as she says "i love you" under her breath.

And you repeat it back. "I love you"

You are so happy in this moment.

A moment with her.


Falling in Love. Deena x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now