Chapter 2

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Paige was packing up her stuff to get ready to go to the garage that morning. She decided that her and Ralph would go to the garage early in order for her to speak to Walter before everyone else made their reappearance. She thought it would be best for them to talk before the rest of the team showed up. Also, she wasn't entirely sure that Walter even wanted to see his ex-team, let alone herself. If she was being honest with herself, she wasn't too thrilled to see Walter either.

Ralph came into the kitchen rubbing his eyes and giving out a big yawn.

"Ralph have a quick breakfast and then we are going to the garage," Paige said.

Ralph stopped getting his cereal for a second . . . did he hear that right? He poured the milk in his cereal and then sat at the table. "The garage?," he questioned, "Don't you mean Centipede Headquarters?"

"No I mean the garage." Paige didn't make eye contact with Ralph. She continued packing up her laptop and then started making a cup of coffee for on-the-go.

Ralph had no idea why they were going to the garage, a place where he never thought he would be going to again. He knew he might have the opportunity to see Walter, though, so he didn't question his mother.

"Okay, well why are we going so early?" he asked.

"I wanted to get to the garage early to talk to Walter before the rest of the team shows up," she quickly glances at Ralph, "plus you'll have time to show him that new project you've been working on for Caltech."

The team? Talk to Walter? Did this mean that Scorpion was getting back together? Ralph didn't get his hopes up, but now he was starting to get excited. The boy had matured a lot since he had met Scorpion, but he was still that lost kid that needed his genius friends to teach him how to relate with others in the world. Team Scorpion meant the world to him. If they were back together he would do everything in his power to keep it from breaking apart again. He had to.

Ralph smiled and replied, "That would be cool. I've been wanting to show my project to someone that understands."

"Hey, you've shown me," Paige interjected. Ralph gave a pointed look to his mother. "Okay yes I know I'm not a genius, but I am a good listener," she said with mock offense.

After Paige finished making her coffee and Ralph eating his cereal, they left for the garage. Ralph took a small sigh of both pleasure and anticipation as he got in the car. He was finally going to see Walter again.


It had been four months since Paige stormed out of the garage. Four months since she learned of Walter's betrayal. Four months of heartbreak. Four months of watching her son pull away from her because he lost the only father figure he has ever had in his life. Coming back to the garage was difficult and painful, nevertheless she knew it was what was best for her son.

Walking up to the garage door, Paige took a shaky breath. This was it. She didn't know what to expect. She still had her keys from when she left.

When she opened the door she saw Walter at his desk—the one that used to be right next to hers, but now was moved to the other side of the garage. It took him a second, but Walter lifted his head to see who had come into the garage. Paige was silently relieved that he wasn't down the rabbit hole.

Confused, Walter stood up from his chair. , "Paige? Ralph? What are you doing here?"

Good Paige thought, at least he didn't look angry. Her relief didn't last long though, because she realized she didn't know what to say or how to explain her reappearance.

Paige cleared her throat. "Uh Walter can I talk to you?" She pointed to the other side of the garage.

They walked to the other side of the garage where they would be out of earshot from Ralph. This conversation could potentially be tense, so neither of them wanted the boy to be aware of their conflict. Ralph had been through enough these past few years because of their tumultuous relationship.

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