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trust the most important thing someone can give. having it is amazing but breaking it costs you everything.

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Three: Chaos Rising


Hayley sat alone on the balcony as she refused to speak to Klaus after what he did.

she wanted to find harmony so she could make amends with her daughter. However she did not know that harmony didn't want anything to do with her. As Klaus made his way upstairs to try and speak with Hayley, he thought about harmony wondering why Hayley was so adamant to get her back after three years of no communication.

He tried to find out where she was, but Marcel had left with davina showing no sign of return. He knocked at her door and spoke through the wood "let me in Hayley stop being stubborn and besides you might have just changed my mind" she slowly opened the door with a smile on her face and let him in.

They talked about a plan on how to get their child back after three years and finally live a happy life together as a family always and forever. The only problem was they had no idea where to start looking. And their first plan of action was to get the most powerful witches they knew remove the protection spell on harmony.


back in beacon hills Stella paced in her room in front of the packed suitcase on her bed she knew she couldn't stay in beacon hills anymore not with the alpha pack in town.

No one knew about her family which meant no one knew about her family's past with the alpha pack. but leaving a town that became like home seems a lot more difficult then she thought.

with the final last breath she picked up her suitcase and opened her door to find her boyfriend looking right at her his eyes cast down to the suitcase and a completely clean room then back to her face he didn't want to believe she was going to leave him but he knew something was up when she left the Hale house.

she couldn't look him in the eye. he gently took her hand in his and then took the suitcase out her hand and placed it on the floor. he pulled her into a hug and she placed her head on his shoulder. he wanted to question her in fact he wanted to full on interrogate her but from the look on her face he knew she wasn't ready just yet he so he only asked one question "you were gonna leave weren't you" he spoke in a whisper he looked up his brown eyes met hers and he looked at her with confusion and sadness.

"yes I was I'm not going to deny it look there's a lot you don't know about my past and I can't tell you yet. but did you never wonder why all of a sudden I ended up in beacon hills with a 21 year old as my legal guardian or how I never mentioned my parents once since I've been here or even how I became a supernatural. I can't be here Stiles not with the alpha pack in town"

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