thirty three.

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Just so you guys Aren't confused, (M*) Means Smut, and (M) means sexual material that isn't full on? Idk it's kinda hard to explain smh.

^Do you understand? Or am I Bad at explaining?😫

Not proofread. Ignore mistakes.

-Chapter Thirty Three-

After four Boring and long days of work, Saturday finally arrived. Today was the day of the group's Mall trip, and Jungkook had been practically bouncing with excitement all morning. He'd never been apart of a group before, and he was eager to experience what it's like to go out with a group of friends without being left out or ignored.

He was currently sat on the arm of his couch, Nimble fingers Tying his shoe laces while he hummed happily to himself as he waited for Taehyung to arrive.

The elder would be Picking him up from his apartment, since Jungkook really doesn't like driving all that much. He would much rather relax, and look out the window, focusing on all the trees and the people that flew by, then be responsible and focus on the roads. He's not good at focusing at all, really, and he often got distracted very easily. Because of this, he only drives himself when he really has to.

With a sigh of satisfaction, he dropped his foot off the couch and stood up, jumping with a Frightened yelp when A loud Car Horn Filled the peaceful silence of his living room. He gasped, quickly recovering from his fright, as he found himself unable to hide his Excited squeaks. He grabbed his phone and wallet from the table, and put his fluffy coat on himself before hopping towards the front door. Upon opening it, his eyes land on Taehyung, who was sat in his car on his driveway, a cigarette between his fingers as his hand dangled loosely out the window.

As he closed and locked his front door, Taehyung was quick to straighten up in his seat and toss away the smoked-down cigarette Stub, exhaling the remaining smoke quickly so Jungkook wouldn't have to inhale it when he got into the Car. Jungkook smiled at that, gently pulling open the passenger door before plopping himself into the seat with a soft sigh and a bright Smile.

"Baby," Taehyung Hummed, pointing to his lips as he looked at his Boyfriend with a raised brow, placing his hand on the wheel. "I think You're forgetting something."

Widening his eyes, Jungkook quickly leaned over and gave the elder a shy but sweet kiss on the lips, before closing the door and buckling his seatbelt. "Good Morning, Taehyungie."

"Good morning, Darling. You look very pretty today." Taehyung commented with a light smile. He licked his lips while leaning his elbow on the window ledge, as he started to drive out of Jungkook's driveway and onto the main road. "And Very Cute, too. I can taste your lipgloss on my lips."

Jungkook's cheeks flush, and he nibbled his Gloss-Coated bottom lip as he lowered his gaze to his lap. He'd put some makeup on that morning, applying a little golden shimmer to his eyelids and a cherry-scented gloss to his lips. It wasn't much, but he always felt beautiful when he wore it. Unfortunately though, He only wore it around the people he was comfortable with, because most people weren't very open-minded when it came to boys wearing makeup or dressing anything less then 'Masculine'.

"T-Thank You, Taehyungie." he replied softly, looking up when Taehyung's hands switched Positions, his fingers on his right hand linking with Jungkook's while his left rested on the wheel to steer. "I'll...I'll wear it more then, Just for you."

"Good." Taehyung chuckled, leaning back as he turned a corner, his eyes never leaving the road as his thumb caressed the back of Jungkook's hand. "You look adorable bare-faced, and Even More adorable when you're all glittery and Glowing."

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