fourty seven.

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This Chapter Will contain talk of Rape, Abuse and unhealthy Relationships. If this triggers/bothers You, Please skip the chapter.

Also, thank You all for the birthday Wishes, I love each and every one of you! <3

-Chapter Fourty Seven-

"Baby, Do You Wanna Tell me about who this Yugyeom Guy Is?" Taehyung's careful voice broke the silence that filled the living room, the two of them having been lazing around after their friends around Noon that morning. "You mentioned him last night."

Hearing the all too familiar name, Jungkook Gulped, A wavering pool of Fear Starting to boil In his gut as he looked up into Taehyung'a gaze. He swallowed the growing lump in his throat, a shaky smile replacing his otherwise nervous features. He pulled his knees to his chest and leaned back into the couch as he lowered his gaze to the now clean coffee table out of an anxiety.

"Yugyeom was My Ex." He began, His voice as quiet as ever as he mumbled. "Y-You Know..." Taehyung's brows knit together, his eyes narrowing slightly as the pieces of the puzzle slowly began to come together. "The Abusive One." The elder stated. Jungkook nodded softly, picking on the skin around his Nails in order to avoid the stare he'd receive if he looked up.

"Y-Yes." His voice cracked, His eyes watering as he finally built the courage look up at The elder man. "T-The abusive One." Taehyung, noticing the teary eyes and the shattered expression, cooed and pat his sweatpant-clad thighs, opening his arms with gentle eyes and furrowed brows. "Oh C'mere, My Love."

Jungkook wasted no time, jumping up from his seat and flying into His Boyfriend's awaiting arms. As soon as they made contact, The Little Ravenette broke down and began to sob, his little fists clutching Taehyung's robe for dear life. "H-He Was So Cruel, T-Taehyungie!" He wailed, Pain evident in every word that He babbled into the elder man's neck. "I-I don't...I Don't know what I Did b-but-"

Taehyung gently caressed his back, his other hand placed gently on Jungkook's neck, his thumb rolling soft circles into the flesh below his soft raven curls. "Shhh, Shhh. You don't have to tell me, Koo. I Understand."

"But I-I want to." Jungkook Wailed, hiccuping slightly as he choked on his tears. "I-I N-Need to T-Tell You Be-Because..."

Taehyung's heart felt heavy. It felt like it was being squeezed inside his gut, an unpleasant feeling that made him physically Wince. "Okay, Buns. I'll tell you what, You get Comfy and snuggle up, and I'll go make us some hot Chocolate. When I come back, We'll cuddle and you can tell me, Alright?"

Jungkook nodded, sniffling softly as He loosened his grip on Taehyung's shoulders. "M'Kay.."


"If...If I Tell you will you P-Promise You won't Think any differently of m-me?" Jungkook sniffled, his half empty mug of hot chocolate the coffee table as he snuggled down into Taehyung's lap. His cheek was smushed against the elder's firm chest, his little fists clutching onto his shirt for dear life. With shaky eyes, he looked up, tears clouding his view as he whimpered. "Promise?"

Taehyung shook his head, his hands cupping The boy's face to gently bring their faces together. "I Promise. You're my fluffy Bunny, Remember? Nothing and No One can change that, Jungkook." He Carefully wiped the tears away with his thumbs, a small smile on his lips. "You're So Strong." He praised, cooing as The Younger's teary eyes sparkled slightly. He leaned in and kissed the boy's pout away, chuckling as a small squeak reached his ears.

"I-I Am?" Jungkook pouted, the red blotches on his face making him look even prettier in the warm morning lighting of the room. "M' S-Strong?"

"You are." Taehyung reassured, kissing his nose. "And I'm Ready to listen. But I don't want you to feel like you have to tell me, okay? I know you have an ugly past, koo, but You have me now. I'll never judge you, or laugh at you. I'm all ears."

Jungkook nodded, hiccuping slightly as he let out a shaky exhale. "I-I Met Yugyeom when I had just turned S-Seventeen..." he looked up, sniffling gently as he met the elder's caring gaze. "H-He Was the captain of the football team so when he asked me to be his b-boyfriend I was ecstatic, Y'now?" Taehyung hummed, gently rolling circles into Jungkook's back as he listened.

Jungkook wiped his nose on his sleeve, rubbing his eyes with a puff. "E-Everything was good. He was a g-good guy and..And he never hurt me." Jungkook's eyes started watering again. The memories were hitting him, both pleasant ones and unpleasant ones. He shook his head softly, nibbling on his lip. "B-But then on my E-Eighteenth birthday, he asked me to become A submissive...and, and because I was so desperate to please him, I agreed without knowing what I was getting into."

"I...I always thought he could do better then me, Taehyungie." He sniffled. "so who was to say that he wouldn't if I didn't do what I was told to do?"

Taehyung sighed, carefully caressing his little One's back as he listened. He could only imagine How scared Jungkook must have been when he's been forced into things back then. Shame on Yugyeom for not properly Introducing The younger to BDSM and subspace. As a Dominant, You're meant to keep Your Submissive as safe as possible. Taehyung could tell that Jungkook's ex wasn't a good Man at all.

"Keep Going, Baby." He soothed. "I'm Listening."

Jungkook took a deep breath, A shaky exhale leaving him as his body slowly relaxed into the elder's arms. "H-He Became More violent over time.." He said softly. "His temper got shorter. H-He started to kick me and stuff, b-but then he began to use extreme punishments which were anything but pleasurable. w-when I didn't want to have sex With him he'd-" Jungkook's eyes widen, his mouth slamming shut.

Was he really just about to say that?

"Baby, What is it?"

"He Raped Me." Jungkook rushed, bursting into tears as he began to shake and tremble Violently. "H-He Would Share me w-with his friends and they'd do it too!"

Taehyung's Blood ran cold, his eyes widening as his heart dropped into the pits of his stomach.

"Oh Love." He whispered, his hold on Jungkook tightening. Fuck, He wanted nothing more then to rip Yugyeom a new face, to make him pay for what he did to The younger. But right now, his only concern is His Boyfriend, who was trembling and shaking in his arms. Jungkook came first. "Shh, Shh, You're alright. You have me now, Hm? You Know You're my top priority, my love. And I'll do my absolute best to help you replace the bad memories with good ones that we'll make together."

Jungkook nodded softly, spluttering on his sobs. He tightened his grip on Taehyung, Allowing the elder to kiss his neck gently. "T-Thank You For loving me, T-Taehyungie."

"And Thank You for trusting and opening up to me, Baby."


I'm actually so proud of this book! Like, it's my first fanfic that i'm really happy with, and I'm so excited to finish it and maybe write a sequel about their future together? 👀

and Yes, I know Jungkook's past it a little dark but I Promise, there will be no Angst in the future. Angst is one of those things that if written well, then it's amazing. But if over done, it becomes too much. I don't trust myself to write angst so we'll stick to fluff and smut :)

Anygay, Thanks For reading and I'll see you in the next one!


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