For the first few laps, Zach stuck to the motions. Pushing his car to the allowed speed and passing anyone who thought they could possibly hold him at bay. He was like a cobra slithering through the grass of skyscrapers, taking out his mice of opponents. It was thrilling to him, to see the slower cars disappear in his mirror.
It was nearing mid-race, and Zach figured better now than never. His hand adjusted on the steering wheel before he put his peddle down to the medal. His car snarled loudly before kicking the speed up, charging down the streets like a bat out of hell. Zach maneuvered his car off the track and sped for the boarder. Like a bullet, he had his target in mind and was determined to reach it.
Suddenly a loud crunch interrupted his thoughts, for a second time seemed to slow as his eyes that had begun to dance with hope, became wide. Another racer had T-Bone his right side, and the front of the others car had smashed into the inside of his own. Soon time seemed to resume, as Zach felt his body being jerked one way and then the other as his car dislodge from the other and went spinning in the air. The nose seemed to reach for the sky like a whale a it jumped out of water, before it came smashing back to the ground on the roof. Sparks flew as the metal scraped against the Black Death road. Zach felt his head smash against the headrest, and his vision shot into darkness.

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