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It was a bright, sunny summer day. Alice leaned over the countertop to peek out of the window into the forest beyond. Trees of all different shades of green stretched out before her, rays of sunlight shining through from the top boughs of the trees. Flowers and blades of grass hugged where the trunks of the trees met the rich soil of the forest floor. Damp moss decorated a cluster of boulders nearby.
Several yards of clearing separated her and the forest scene, stretching from her cottage to the edge of the trees. Alice smiled as her gaze fell upon her neatly tended flower garden, with roses, camelias, and daisies in full bloom. It was a beautiful afternoon.
Satisfied, Alice went back to her task: chopping carrots fresh from her vegetable garden. They would make a fine addition to her evening stew.

Suddenly, something caught her eye.
Looking out of the window, she gasped to find that a thin sparkly trail was suspended in the air just outside. She stared at it as it slowly disintegrated.
What was that? she asked herself. She shook her head. She must have just imagined it.
But as she scooped the carrots into her boiling pot and moved on to the peas, she couldn't seem to shake the image from her head. She had never seen anything like it. She couldn't have simply imagined something as odd as that! Could she?
Shaking her head at her own silliness, she continued on with her dinner preparations

Unbeknownst to her, the source of the sparkly trail was still perched outside her window, hidden in a leaf, giggling to herself. The trail had been intentional, of course. No fairy in her right mind would ever be so careless as to let their fairy dust hang suspended in the air for that long. Now just to wait and see if the girl's curiosity would get the best of her. Lavender hoped it would.

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