Chapter 2- Class and dorms

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Jason pov

It took a few seconds to recognize the girl from in front of the building, for a few reasons: 

I did not know her name

and since when did she have glasses?

It was quite embarrassing having the teacher come and find me, confused as a dog chasing his tail. And then to stand in front of the class, might I add 'feeling like a piece of meat'. Was this the punishment and not the part that I have to babysit some girl? But I wanna go home let's just make the brat spill all of her secrets and leave, simple as that right. Yea, that sounds simple. 

First, get near, Second, build trust, Thrid, Get sober, Fourth, secrets, Fifth, if that does not work... life or death. Simple.  It was supposed to be simple.

Percy's Pov. 

"Hey, my name is Jason."

What the frick frack diddly dack patty wack snick snack crack pack slack mack quarterback crackerjack biofeedback backtrack thumbtack sidetrack tic-tac is happening right now. 

That is what I wanted to say.

"Hi." is all I said and tried to get my books out, notice the keyword tried because there is a whale on my table.

"You're ignoring me, cutie."   What?

"Your rude and don't call me cute," I said, pushing him off my table, would I like to push him on the floor?... YES!... can I.... no.  

"Why not."

"You sound like a brat, I said you were rude, I don't want you to, no, pain no, hell no, no.... is that enough for you to leave me alone."

He left me alone, thank Zues, I was getting ready to zap him, now I can focus on my class. I know class all my other were cancelled... for a week... yes... I get to spend a week with Angel, blackjack, and Mrs O'Leary. Peace at last.

After classes ( cause I won't bore you with the catastrophic atmosphere of Percy's brain and my writing style)

"Miss. Jackosn can you please show Mr Todd around the school and as I said before he shall be rooming with you, homework is due in a week have a great day. 

No more peace. What was peace in the first place?  

"What did you say?"

"Nothing, nothing, I hope you like animals."

"Why are you a pet keeper?"

"Why else would I ask?"

"So what is it that makes you special from all the rest?"

"So choose... a tour of the school or a tour of my personal life"

"I'll take the former."


One tour of the school later.🔱🧜 🖊

Jason's Pov.

" And this is where you are going to be staying from now on, hope you remember where everything is because I am not showing you again." .... monotone... her voice has been like that for the past hour.

"So mean." 

"Here's the spare key, if you lose it talk to the receptions downstairs."

As she opened the door all I could see was red, at first, I thought it was blood but it blinked? I could have fainted right then and there but it disappeared. To be honest, I thought I was going insane, but it was just a dog... I'm going crazy.

"Hey, Mrs O'Leary how are you?" Damn this dog barks loud.

"Won't we (I) get in trouble?"

"They already know and the whole place is soundproof."

"So I can look around?" 

"Sure if you see Angel tell her food is ready please."

"Why do I have to?"

"She might eat you."

Note to self: next time tie up the bad guys.

How many secrets can I find here out in the open? 

Update: None

But I must say this is a great dorm, it practically looks like a penthouse if I ever went to one, I did not meet the Human eating Angel yet. Holy shit is that a panther. The only reason I noticed it was because of the growling

"F-food's r-ready."  It pounced

Let's make one thing clear I did not scream, if you heard that I shall hunt you down.

It's been a while?

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