Chapter 6

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Waterlily and Tsunami were walking one of the many tunnels in Jade mountain. "Look, I'm only letting you come to this interrogation because you can be very... persuasive at times." Waterlily rolled her eyes.

"Really? I thought it was because I'm your favorite student!"

Tsunami exhaled with annoyance.

After what seemed like an eternity, they arrived at the history cave. Tsunami stuck her head into the cave.

"Webs, can I borrow Dreamtrapper?"

The old Seawing sighed. "If you must. Dreamtrapper, you're excused."

A Young Nightwing rose from his seat and followed Waterlily and Tsunami out of the cave. After a short amount of walking, they arrived in a cave that was private enough to begin the interrogation.

"I-uh, did I do something wrong?" The Nightwing's voice was high and raspy, almost sickly.

"Are you aware that two dragons have disappeared?" Waterlily inquired.

Dreamtrapper nodded. Tsunami started to interrogate him.

"It has come to my attention that your whereabouts were unknown during the time of each disappearance."

"Well, when Tamiren disappeared, I was in the library, and when Starwalker disappeared, I was in the- Uh,  Art cave." He gulped nervously.

A light flicked on In Waterlily's brain,

"We haven't told anyone that it was Starwalker who disappeared.." She whispered to Tsunami.

"Although, you were yelling pretty loudly, then again, I don't remember  mentioning Starwalker's name while anyone else was around.." Tsunami's eyes widened.

Waterlily cleared her throat. "I think that will be all, Thank you for your time, maybe I'll see you in class sometime!"

"I- um, ok, bye!" Dreamtrapper stammered. He quickly left the cave they had interrogated him in. Now, to discuss.


A figure draped in shadows loomed over Wave. A low, creeping, harmonic song sounded from the creature. It lunged towards Wave, and they shrieked in terror. Wave's eyes shot open, they were sweating heavily and panting as if they had just had a long flight. Wave tried to recall their dream, straining their temples. Shadows? Terror? Terror Shadows? Wave brushed their nightmare aside, thinking about the coming day, they picked up their schedule scroll

"Let's see.."

 They muttered to themself. "History with Jade winglet, Healing, Lecture, Art, Hunting, Eating, and Library." Wave folded and tucked the scroll into the leather pouch around their neck."Time to head to History.."

Wave stepped into the history cave and immediately doubled back. Waterlily, and Cryo, the Icewing from the jade winglet were yelling at each other at the top of their lungs. Wave nervously shuffled into their seat.

"What's going on? Where's Webs?" They said to Borealis.

"No one knows where Webs is, they're fighting about whether to go look for him or not."

"It's obviously a trap! This villain is raising us like lambs for the slaughter!" Waterlily yelled.

"But Webs and the other missing dragons are probably in this mountain as we speak! We have to go look for them!" Cryo shot back.

"This is gonna go on for a while.." Wave muttered tiredly.


It had been around two hours. The art cave seemed all too bright for the current mood of jade mountain academy. Dusk stirred in his own thoughts mindlessly painting his canvas different shades of purple, pink, and orange.

 "I wonder who else will go missing, so far, the villain has picked off dragons with low self-defense, or dragons who aren't paying attention to their surroundings." 

He thought to himself, now blending the colors of his painting together, Creating a sunset, or dusk. The students had been asked to paint something that represents their name, but everyone was too flustered about the disappearances to focus on painting. After time had passed, the dragonets filed out of the art cave, Then Tsunami rounded the corner, looking panic-stricken. She tried to walk past them without getting asked questions but of course, Waterlily had to know.

"Tsunami? What going on?" Tsunami drew herself up, but her wings still trembled.

"Starflight's gone missing, I'm afraid class will be cut short today, I'll see you to your sleeping caves."

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