A purple haired girl?

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Y/n's POV:
"H-hey umm... please wake up..."
What? Who is that? I don't think I've every heard someone with that voice..."
( you hear a huge thump)

(Y/n wakes up to a sound of a loud thump.)

Y/n's POV: "W-What? Who is that. She looks around my age but she's dressed weirdly."
( Y/N looks up and down at a purple haired girl with bandages on her body. Y/N concerned about where she is, she looks down at her body to see if she's hurt anywhere.)


Y/N's POV: "Oh yeah- there's the weird looking girl that woke me up.
(Y/N sighs)
Hey, Do you know where we are?"

???: "I'm s-sorry, I-I DON'T KNOW WHERE WE ARE!!"
( The purple haired girl starts to cry.)

Y/N's POV: "Crap... I made her cry. But how? I only asked her a question. Fuck... whatever.
(Y/N taps the purple haired girl. Unexpectedly the purple haired girl flinchs.) I guess I should introduce myself since I don't see anyone around. Hi, I'm Y/N  L/N and I'm supposed to be in Hopes Peak  Academy."

???: "I- I'm Mikan T-Tsumiki and I-Im a-also supposed to be a-at H-Hopes Pe-Peak Academy."

Y/N's POV: "Wait so she also is attending Hopes Peak Academy? If she is then-."
(Y/N gulps)
"Mikan right?"
Mikan: Y-Yes! That's ri-right!"

Y/N's POV: "Mikan, what's your ultimate? I mean you must have one? Right? I'm the ultimate illusionist."

Mikan: "O-Oh well I'm the ultimate nurse. B-but your talent i-is really cool!. Ah! Oh oh no! I was about to ramble again!! "( Mikan starts to cry)

Y/N: "It's, It's fine really. But I instead of just sitting here how about we look around and try to find out where we are ok. (Y/N stands up and begins dusting off the sand of the weird clothes she has on. She reaches her hands out for Mikan.) Here grab on."

Mikan's POV: "Wo-Woah umm... is this person really being nice to me??"
(Mikan grabs Y/N's hand so she can get up. Y/N examines Mikan.)

Mikan: "W-what is there something on me?
D-Do I look bad... No I-I'm bothering you again..."

Y/N's POV: "I really don't know how to explain how Mikan acts... She's like one of those anime or manga girls... But I don't know how to explain how they act. But I'm going to make a guess and say she's really clumsy.."
(Y/N brushes off the sand on Mikan's skirt.)

Mikan: "WWHHAA-"
( Mikan shoves Y/N away blushing)
Mikan: Ohhhh Noo- I'm sorry I didn't mean t-to y-you were j-just-"
Y/N: " Jeez Mikan you don't have to apologize for everything, anyway I should have just told you or asked you first. Anyway we should start looking around for people or places."
(Mikan nods nervously about what might happen but starts to walk around with Y/N.)

Authors Note:
Hi! This is my first time writing something.
None of the art work you see or will see is not mine.

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